The recently released novel The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko tells the story of Starfleet’s celebrated captain, and Bajor’s Emissary of the Prophets, celebrating the 30th...
Lauren Jankowski, author of The Shape Shifter Chronicles, chose a non-traditional publishing route, opting to release her books through an independent, author-driven publisher of...
Fan-favorite author John Jackson Miller has written numerous books and comics in the Star Wars universe, and his latest novel, Star Wars: The Living...
“I ran,
locked myself
in one of the changing stalls.
Mom banged on the door
but I balled up on the dirty
tile floor
and cried
and hyperventilated
till my head stopped...
Author Randee Dawn teamed up with Tea & Absinthe, a popular tea company known for themed and fandom-related products, to create a special tea related to her recently released contemporary fantasy novel, Tune in Tomorrow.
With over 100 books and anthologies to his name, including several for Star Trek, Marvel Comics, and DC Comics, Robert "Bob" Greenberger has no shortage...