Someone made a very believable teaser trailer to Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events, based on the beloved novels by Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler). The...
With the Shadowhunters TV series still in production and not airing until 2016, ABC Family launched as the official site of the upcoming show...
ABC Family's Shadowhunters have added to their ranks Jade Hassouné, Curtis Morgan, Joel Labelle, and Jordan Hudyma.
Morgan plays Emil Pangborn and Hudyma is Samuel...
Does dead mean dead on Game of Thrones? The Workprint's Jen Stayrook digs into what death means in Westeros.
**Spoilers through the fifth season of Game...
ABC Family's Shadowhunters adds Canadian actress and Degrassi alum Kaitlyn Leeb as New York vampire clan leader Camille Belcourt.
The announcement was made today via Twitter:
Great news!...
Potentially the most beautiful cast that will soon be gracing our TV screens, Shadowhunters adds David Castro to their roster as vampire Raphael Santiago. Raphael...