
Former Heads of Comixology Establish Print and Digital Publisher DSTLRY

Adding to the trend of creator-owned comics, David Steinberger and Chip Mosher announce the creation of DSTLRY. A new multi-media publisher.

Batman #135 Marks 900 Issues with the Return of Jorge Jiménez, a Fantastic Conclusion to “The Bat-Man of Gotham”, and awesome variant covers!

On sale May 2nd, issue #135 finds Red Mask going up against the Caped Crusader in a fight for a Gotham City.

The Spider-Verse Expands With Spectacular Spider-Boy

There's a lot of spider-people out there thanks to the concept of the Spider-Verse. But the vast majority tend to be adults or young...

An Unexpected Cosmic Terror Threatens The Ten Realms in Thor Annual #1

Thor has faced some truly powerful and epic villains in his day, aliens from the farthest reaches of space to fiends wielding god-slaying swords...

DC drops the mic at MegaCon with a bevy of announcements!

Last week, WonderCon gave DC fans a first look at Wonder Woman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and Unstoppable Doom Patrol among other...

Amazing Spider-Man #25 Covers Hint at What happened between Peter and MJ

We're hinted at what Spider-Man finally did with some variants by Marvel comics.

Fall of X continues to impact mutantkind with the return of Genesis, Beast dancing on the edge, and much more!

MegaCon in Orlando gave fans a look into Fall of X, kicking off this summer with new titles and stories designed to usher in...

Pepe Larraz is giving the Amazing Spider-Man #26 an astounding variant cover

The most thrilling issue of Amazing Spider-Man in the last five decades is coming with variant covers by some of the industry’s biggest names!...

‘Codex Black #1: A Fire Among Clouds’ Review

When I was young, I was very much into Greek mythology. I read a lot of the for-kids versions of stories of Hercules, Zeus,...

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