This Killer Sequel to The Babysitter arrives on September 10 on Netflix
Back in 2017, Netflix released its beloved horror-comedy sequel The Babysitter, a story...
Start-Up is a K-Drama set to release this October, about a group of young people pursuing their careers in the world of startup companies.
The Netflix series will be released on October 9, with the new trailer and full details of the story available right here.
The Haunting of...
On August 28, 2020, actor Chadwick Boseman, famous for playing Black Panther, Jackie Robinson, and James Brown, has passed away after a four-year battle...
We Take a look at the best and worst of Season 5. Especially, that mid-season’s righteous cliffhanger
Since its first season, Lucifer has always been...
Alas, the Old Ones have returned and it’s not in a B class horror film! Sundown – the pilot for Lovecraft Country is finally available on HBO, and holy baby Cthulhus it is amazing!
Though you’ve likely never heard of it, Glitch Techs is a rave New Show in 2020 that deserves attention. It's Teen Ghostbusters meets Ready Player One.