Oh, you don’t recognize the name, Sutton Foster? I’ll forgive you (this time) because unless you’re a fan of musicals or were one of the ten people who watched Bunheads, she probably isn’t familiar. However, she’s in a new show on TV Land, so I’m imploring you to watch Younger.
Here’s the thing: Younger isn’t a very good TV show. I mean, who even knew TV Land was making original content? Not I. Foster plays Liza, a 40-year-old stay-at-home, recently divorced mom who wants to get back into the workforce. Typical struggles occur and Liza can’t get a job with a fifteen year gap in her work history. After being hit on by a 20-something man at the bar who thinks she is much younger (heh, titles), Liza’s friend convinces her to lie about her age and after a hair and make-up montage, voila! She gets a job in publishing. She befriends Hilary Duff who teaches the positively antique 40-year-old about Twitter and together they ride off singing into the sunset. There’s an abundance of clichéd jokes about old people and how women in each respective age range should look, act, dress their vaginas, etc. You know, funny stuff. Nothing in the show is innovative or engrossing.
Except Sutton Foster.
Known for Broadway shows such as Anything Goes, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Shrek the Musical, and Little Women, Foster deserves so much more than Younger. I could go on for hours about her Lorelai Gilmore-esque humor and wit, but I’ll spare you for now because you CAN STILL WATCH Bunheads over at ABC Family’s website.
So why am I pushing Younger so hard even when it seems so ridiculous? Well, my astute young friend, I want Sutton Foster in more things. If I support Younger and more viewers are exposed to the wonder that is she, then logic says Sutton Foster will be in more things. Ya dig?
Or so I naively hope that’s how things work.
Seriously, ABC Family, I’m still really bitter about Bunheads, especially with Pretty Little Liars still on air.
If you weren’t a fan of last year’s Michael Bay-produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot, you’re probably not too pumped to hear that it made enough money back to get a sequel due in 2016. Megan Fox will for sure be returning as April O’Neil, and Will Arnett will be back as well, but today Variety has reported that Arrow’s Stephen Amell will be in the film as none other than Casey Jones.
Casey is one of the few human allies other than April to know about the Ninja Turtles. In the original TMNT films from the 90s, he was played by Elias Koteas. He eventually becomes a love interest for April and bonds (and clashes) with Raphael. Variety reports that out of the half dozen actors that auditioned over the weekend, he had the best chemistry with Megan Fox. However, given the fact that April Fools Day is tomorrow, it’s extremely likely that this is a prank. So take this with a grain of salt.
But if this does end up being true, how does it make you feel? Are you hoping he’ll say “You have failed this city!” at least once? Let us know in the comments below.
Community Season 6, Episode 4 – “Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing” Air Date: March 31, 2015 Grade: A
We all know that the bane of modern conveniences is internet connectivity. Data plans are expensive, so free wifi is arguably the best amenity one can get on a somewhat regular basis. You can imagine the very real consternation when the wifi is down on the Greendale campus. When the study group complains to the Dean, he of course turns it immediately around and assigns the problem to the committee, which of course means that the group has to take care of it themselves, with Elroy as the new IT lady (the old IT lady was of course Paget Brewster in another role, who is now Frankie Dart).
As one storyline is set up, we move onto the next, where the school board frat brothers show up to ask the Dean to become part of the board. The catch is, he has to come out as openly gay to make the board seem accepting and tolerant, which is really the board trying to appease the public after another snafu. I would really like to know if Colorado has a board for community colleges, and if so, I’d like the minutes to their meetings. Either way, this leaves the pansexual enigma that is Dean Craig Pelton in limbo, to come out of the closet and get appointed due to his sexuality, or keep silent and stay just a dean.
As the new IT lady, Elroy appoints Abed as his assistant and seek to track down the source of the wifi problem. They end up finding the cause of the outage, which happens to be a bird’s nest full of baby birds. Abed’s mother issues pop up immediately as he firmly takes a stand, pleading against Elroy’s removal of the nest. Elroy then goes on a “baby bird murder monologue” citing evolution, humanity’s place in the preservation or destruction of the Earth, and how none of it can be done without wifi. Eventually, because Elroy isn’t a demon, he sides with Abed and decides to stall until the mama bird can get the birds to literally fly the coop, which means the wifi stays down a bit longer.
Let’s take a quick second to talk about the wildcard that is Ben Chang. He started off as a Spanish teacher, then became a student, then dictator, then a scheming amnesiac named Kevin, and finally, for now, just a regular student. At this point, there’s nothing that Community could do with Chang that would be completely out of the realm of possibility. So of course, the writers have Chang auditioning for the stage production of “The Karate Kid”. Jason Mantzoukas guest stars as the crazed director who is putting the movie on stage. I personally love Jason Mantzoukas on screen. He plays pretty much the same character across every show, but the manic intensity and crazed logic behind his motivations are hilarious. Of course, this fits in perfectly in Community, where he decides to blindly cast Annie as Daniel-san (the role that Chang was going for) and picks Chang to play Mr. Miyagi. Chang, disappointed that he’s typecast as the Asian, jealously looks at Annie for being picked out of the blue for the role he was auditioning for.
Meanwhile, Frankie, Jeff, and the Dean are in his office discussing the merits of him taking a position on the merit of sexuality. Being new at this, Frankie actually tries to make a serious discussion on the topic while the Dean and Jeff hold a silent sidebar conversation of glances wondering about Frankie’s sexual orientation. Of course, Jeff does the Jeff thing and convinces the Dean to take the position for advantage and place one of Greendale’s own on the school board, leading to a press conference where the Dean is placed front and center of the school board’s attempt to rehabilitate his image. The Dean and his faux partner Domingo are then sent into a full montage of fame set to ‘Jolene’, except replaced with ‘Gay Dean’, apparently only expressing about 2/7 of his sexuality.
Rehearsals have now started and while Annie is hamming it up on stage, Chang is being berated and verbally abused by the director. Annie obviously feels for Chang, but her ego at being cast keeps her from fully committing to helping Chang out. Annie’s belief in her own superiority is all for naught as she finally stands up for Chang, only to realize that she isn’t the focus of the play at all, but just a side character picked so they could save on the budget. The director’s focus on Chang is because he has the sadness and depth to play Mr. Miyagi (who upon thinking about it, is an incredibly tragic character in the film). What ends up happening, is Chang absolutely nailing the part of Miyagi on stage. I was genuinely amazed at how Ken Jeong has grown as an actor, and no lie, I wouldn’t mind seeing this play put with him in it. You can also watch Annie squirm as Annie Kim takes over her role and realizing that the play, even without her, is fantastic. So much of Annie is wound up in her believing that she’s special, and above others. It’s been a while since she’s been set back in her place, and this is a great subtle way to do it, as an audience reaction.
Finally, things come to a head while the school board realizes that while having a gay dean helps, it doesn’t substitute for competence. It ends up with Abed taping a confrontation between an unarmed black man, and an unarmed openly gay dean. Community’s own version of an unstoppable force and an immovable object. Heartbreakingly, it leads to two baby birds dying, but the restoration of the wifi. The Dean goes through an existential crisis because of this, and in doing so, comes out to the public, as a politician. In the end, the study group goes out to let the last surviving bird free, to scare it off wearing cat masks, but also flapping finger wings symbolically. The baby bird at last flies off, life-affirmingly, only to land and probably nest inside a transformer.
This is the Community that I’ve been waiting for in season six. Three separate storylines, but each able to hold water. When Community is at its strongest, each of the A, B, and C storylines are strong, but most importantly, each character has their own time to breath and come into their own. This episode delivers that in spades.
Oh, and Britta gets little to no screen time. Coincidence? I think not.
In this thrilling fourth season based on George R.R. Martin’s bestselling books, the Lannisters’ control over the Iron Throne remains intact, but can they survive their own egos as well as the ongoing threats around them? While an unshaken Stannis Baratheon continues to rebuild his army on Dragonstone, a more immediate danger comes from the south, as Oberyn Martell, the Lannister-loathing ‘Red Viper of Dorne’, arrives at King’s Landing to attend Joffrey’s wedding. At the Wall, the Night’s Watch seems overmatched against Mance Rayder’s advancing army of wildlings, which in turn is being trailed by an even more formidable foe. What’s more, Daenerys Targaryen, accompanied by her fierce trio of dragons and an Unsullied army, is poised to ‘liberate’ Meereen, the largest Slaver City in the east, which could provide her with an imposing force to execute her ultimate plan of reclaiming the Iron Throne for her family.
Cheo Hodari Coker will serve as the Executive Producer and Showrunner of Marvel’s Luke Cage, Marvel announced on Tuesday.
Coker, who has served as co-executive producer on season two of Ray Donovan, will be writing the first two episodes of the series. His previous work also includes serving as a supervising producer on the fourth season of Southland, which garnered the team a 2012 Peabody Award.
Coker’s writing credentials don’t end their either. He started his writing career as a staff writer for the Los Angeles Times an authored the book Unbelievable: The Life, Death, and Afterlife of The Notorious B.I.G..
Marvel’s Luke Cage will premiere in 2016 everywhere Netflix is available. Mike Colter will play Luke Cage.
Better Call Saul Season 1, Episode 9 – “Pimento” Air Date – March 30, 2015
For better or worse, family shapes your life. Such is the case for both Mike and Jimmy in “Pimento”, the next to last episode in the first season of Better Call Saul. For Mike they’re his raison d’etre, and out of love he does what he does. Alternatively, as James McGill discovered, family can be your worst enemy.
In order to provide for his granddaughter, Mike starts his criminal career with a low-level protection job, reminding us that he’s been a badass long before Walt even thought about the Meth biz. During the job we learn a bit about Mike’s “code” and how he’s able to transition from not-so-clean cop to stoic criminal. The speech he gives to his all too green boss “Price” (not his real name) boils down to evaluating a person based on their integrity regardless of what they do. It’s an important distinction to note for all the characters.
For the McGills, things at the beginning of the episode seem to be going well. “Seem” is an interesting word. It gives us an impression, and more often than not, that impression proves to be false. So despite their growing bond and friendship born from working together, the partnership in “RICO” made us wary. Partly because we noticed Chuck’s knee jerk reaction to his brother passing the bar, and partly because we know what Jimmy becomes. However, he clearly needed the help and Chuck was more than willing to give it. (In fact, he offered it.) There’s no denying Chuck has a sharp mind for litigation, he accurately predicted that Schweikart and Cokely would react with a restraining order. And Jimmy is more apt at arguing, which he does to successfully fend off said restraining order. But when Chuck suggests (and rightly so) that they need help, specifically the help of HHM, our collective “spidey-sense” went off.
For most of this episode Gilligan toys with the audience, forcing us to watch as Jimmy gets hung out to dry. His hints speak volumes, validating what we already assume. As Jimmy trudges off acquiescing to Chuck’s suggestion, making aside comments about getting an office and being out of the mailroom, we stay on Chuck and his expression. That night, we see the extent Chuck goes to to make a call behind his brother’s back. Even though we don’t hear any worthwhile moments of the conversation, we know what’s coming.
It’s apparent that Jimmy is losing control of his case when the two brother’s arrive at their old office. Jimmy is left carrying the two boxes so that his brother can bask in the fabricated glory of his peers. It comes as no surprise to us, when Howard tells Jimmy they just want the case and not him. Chuck’s reassuring manner as Howard clears the room and his “astonishment” when they’re given the news is hollow, and adds a new depth to why we dislike him. Still we don’t know. Not entirely, it’s just an inkling. When Kim goes to bat for Jimmy, we see Howard predictably acting like a hardass only to soften up ready to reveal…something. This revelation leads Kim to advise Jimmy to take the deal, and still, we as an audience are dancing around the edges but now Jimmy begins to connect the dots.
At the end of the episode, Jimmy corners Chuck with his own “I know it was you” scene, and finally we hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Despite all the hard work and talent, Charlie does not, has not, and will not ever see Jimmy as a real lawyer. He hides behind the need to defend “the law” and it’s sanctity, but it’s means to justify his ivory tower mentality where a diploma and not merit matter the most. Granted Chuck has his reasons to mistrust Jimmy, but the length he went to deceive and circumvent Jimmy’s success is earth shattering. He’s blind to all the good and caring he’s done (specifically for him) all he sees – all anyone sees – is a con-man, a joke, someone who can’t be taken seriously. And as Jimmy leaves Chuck’s house, supposedly for the last time, his look says “if Slippin’ Jimmy is all they see, well by God, Slippin’ Jimmy is what they’re gonna get.”
And so the road to him becoming a “criminal…lawyer” comes into clearer focus.
It’s not quite real to me yet. The rest of the pics and recaps are coming.
In any case, I was actually AT RAW tonight and…well, it was insane. The crowd went from nuts to batshit crazy gradually — but when the fans lost their shit, I’m honestly surprised the show wasn’t delayed. I really thought it would be by the time Seth Rollins began yelling at the crowd during The Wave.
Yes. Somebody actually decided to start a Wave.
That was just the beginning.
For those who got to hear the audio team fucking with the audio on the show, you might have missed these “gems”:
“YOU SUCK CENA” (No…they didn’t say this to Cena…they said it to Nikki Bella during the Divas match, causing Nikki to point her finger to the ceiling and say something to Nattie. They high-fived…so the crowd decided to pick on Nattie…)
“YOU SUCK PUNK” (To AJ. Barely lived because everyone who chanted it suddenly realized that they’re supposed to like CM PUNK, hence the stupid, endless “CM PUNK” chants.)
“YOU SUCK USO” (To Naomi)
“WE DON’T LIVE HERE” (When Lillian Garcia advertised the tickets for the next San Jose RAW event. Considering the above chanting, I’m GLAD they don’t live here.)
“ASSHOLE” (When Miz attacked Miz-dow)
“WORSE THAN CENA” (To Roman Reigns)
“PLEASE RETIRE” (To Big Show, who just shrugged it off and kept moving without missing a beat.)
“LESNAR’S GONNA KIIIIIL YOOOOU…” (To Seth Rollins when he came out to face Lesnar)
“WE’RE SO AWESOME” (The Smark crowd, patting themselves on the back for their asshole behavior.)
That’s off the top of my head. There were several more.
Let’s move…
We are LIVE(!!!) from my hometown in San Jose, California for WWE RAW!!!
JBL, Cole and Booker are the guys on the mics.
Brock comes out to a huge pop (I mean, HUGE…the roof practically blew off) and has Paul Heyman with him. Heyman calls Lesnar “the biggest ass-kicker of the PG era”. He says that Lesnar did nothing but suplex the shit out of Reigns. The Smark crowd starts their first chant: “SUPLEX CITY”. Heyman corrects them: “Or…as my client said — Suplex City…BITCH!”. He recaps how Rollins cashed in his Money in the Bank contract and stole the title. He’s pissed and says that the rules weren’t clear and that he can go down to Sacramento, go to the 7th Circuit Court, have the decision reversed, and hold WWE up in litigation for months. But, he doesn’t wanna do that because Lesnar thinks all lawyers are scumbags. So, that’s not happening. Instead, all Lesnar wants to do is move on and invoke his rematch clause…and that’s happening TONIGHT.
Steph comes out and recaps how great WrestleMania was tonight. The crowd chants “Ronda Rousey”. Steph tells them if they want the re-match, they should all shut up. She insults Lesnar and says that Rollins kicked him around, too. She says that Rollins will be here soon — and when he gets here, Lesnar and Heyman will find that he’s up for the challenge.
Heyman says that he has a prediction: Lesnar will destroy Rollins and Lesnar will, once again. be the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
TONIGHT: John Cena issues an open challenge for anyone who wants the U.S. Championship, the Christmas fruitcake of the WWE Championship case.
ALSO: Daniel Bryan defends the IC Title against Dolph Ziggler.
MATCH #1: Dolph Ziggler (challenger) vs. Daniel Bryan (champion) for the WWE Intercontinental Championship The crowd inside the Shark Tank was already blowing the fuck up. The first minute is, basically, the two of them trying to lock up and get a grip on one another while the crowd tries a LET’S GO BRYAN/ZIGGLER chant. Nothing happens for the next 30 seconds and the crowd is already yelling, “THIS IS AWESOME” when it clearly isn’t “awesome” at all yet, so this is the type of crowd these guys dealt with. Bryan hits the Surfboard, prompting Cole to name-drop Half Moon Bay because that’s a place where you can SURF, BRO. When we come back from break, Bryan nails Ziggler with a running dropkick. The two brawl in the corner and Bryan manages to hit a Super Side Suplex from the top rope. Two count. Yes Kicks but Bryan misses the Roundhouse. Ziggler rolls him up for two. The two fight for a backslide pin and Bryan ends up heading into the turnbuckle. Ziggler hits a Superkick, countering the Flying Knee. He NEARLY gets the fall. Both men get up and do the mutual headbutt spot from last night. Bryan eventually knocks Ziggler away and hits the Running Knee at 11:52 for the win. WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION: Daniel Bryan
RATING: **. The match was better when it wasn’t interrupted. There was more to it than this.
Post-match, Barrett gets in the ring to beat up Daniel Bryan — but Sheamus comes out, sporting a mohawk and beard dreadlocks. He fights off Barrett and checks on Ziggler. The crowd doesn’t care and they shit all over him and this spot. Sheamus dares Barrett to get in the ring — then attacks Bryan because, surprise, he’s a heel. He takes out Ziggler with the Brogue as the crowd chants, “YOU LOOK STUPID”. Sheamus just feeds off it and tells them bring more. He grabs a mic and says, “I’m back.” Then he leaves.
COMING UP: Brock Lesnar faces Seth Rollins.
ALSO: A look at how Arnold and Nash were more important than Randy Savage.
AND: Sting will show up and spin the fact that he lost at WM 31 is a good thing.
When we come back, we run through the Hall of Fame stuff and it’s on to the next match…
MATCH #2: The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) (w/ Xavier Woods) & Lucha Dragons (Kalisto & Sin Cara) vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) & The Ascension (Konnor & Viktor) in an 8-Man Tag Team Match Sin Cara and Cesaro start off and Sin Cara tries to flip all over Cesaro, only to end up in a Flipping Backbreaker. Tag to Kalisto and he flips all over Cesaro like a fucking stripper pole, tossing him across the ring with a Hurricarana. Crowd lost their shit over this and starts chanting “NEW DAY SUCKS”. Kofi and Konnor get in and battle. Kofi knees him in the gut and it’s back to Sin Cara with an “NXT” chant as if they’re just going down some sort of “chant list” handed to them at the door. When we come back, Cesaro is in the ring while the crowd does the “Ole” soccer chant. He beats on Sin Cara and tags Konnor who eats an Enzuguri. Tag to Kofi and the crowd shits all over him as he goes A-House-A-Fire on Konnor. Tag to Tyson and he gets hit with a Cross Body. Two count. Cesaro nails Kofi with an uppercut. Viktor tags himself in and that pisses off Cesaro. Kofi tags Kalisto who flips around like Mary Lou Retton on Jolt, nails Konnor and gets a two count. Cesaro saves the pin and it’s Spot-a-palooza by every single guy until Kalisto ends it with the Salina Del Sol for the win at 10:04. WINNERS: The Faces.
RATING: ***. Actually, this was good because Lucha Dragons looked like the only team that wanted to be there.
Brock comes out for the championship rematch. Rollins is out next — and he actually taunts Lesnar with the belt. Lillian announces them…but when the match is about to begin, Seth bails from the ring. He says he’s feeling jetlagged and that he’s pulling the rematch. Lesnar doesn’t accept. He grabs Rollins and tries a German but Rollins lands on his feet and runs again. Lesnar chases and tries an F5 but J&J save him. Rollins gets away. Lesnar flips the announcer desk on top of Cole, JBL and Booker. He destroys some ringside staff, then grabs Cole as Cole runs for his life. Heyman begs Brock to let him go but Brock’s inconsolable and hits an F5 on Cole, much to the delight of the crowd. He grabs a camera guy next and goes for an F5.
This prompts Steph to run out and stop Brock. Brock doesn’t listen and F5’s the camera guy. Steph suspends Lesnar and walks off. Crowd chants “BULLSHIT” as this entire segment was worth the show. We see the damage Brock has left behind as EMT’s hit ringside to help a dead Booker and JBL.
When we come back, Cole is being loaded on a stretcher while Booker is waking a bit. JBL is still out.
We get clips from MOMENTS AGO when Brock unleashed hell following Rollins’ escape.
Backstage, Steph is walking. Renee interrupts her and wants her to explain why she just suspended Brock Lesnar. Steph says that Lesnar’s still an employee and he will get his rematch. She says that he’s just suspended — and she’ll fine him, too. She says Brock isn’t going back to MMA, either. He’s under contract and she owns “that summabitch”.
TONIGHT: John Cena begs someone, ANYONE to take his new toy belt. Seriously, he’ll lay down and let them have it.
When we come back, Byron Saxton is all that’s left of Brockpocalypse. He’ll be doing commentary solo from here on out.
MATCH #3: Stardust vs. Damien Mizdow Mizdow is still “Miz”-dow despite turning on Miz? Mm-kay. Miz-dow takes his sunglasses off and clotheslines Stardust. Miz-dow basically runs through Miz’s moveset until Stardust kicks at him and hits a Front Suplex. Crowd chants “CODY” and cheers Miz-dow — though Miz-dow’s fandom is noticeably diminished. Star goes for a backbreaker but gets hit on a counter by the SCF. Miz-dow wins at 2:23. WINNER: Damien Miz-dow
RATING: DUD. And, now, we find out if the fans truly care about Miz-dow.
Post-match, Miz attacks Miz-dow and hits the SCF. He yells in Miz-dow’s face.
FOLLOWING RAW: Sting is interviewed.
LAST NIGHT: The Rock and Ronda Rousey confronted Steph and Triple H at WrestleMania. Highlights from that next.
We get the clips we’re promised, then a nice media package showing our local print and television media covering WrestleMania.
Curtis Axel is in the ring. Axelmania, this. Axelmaniaxs, that. Ax-streme Rules is also now a thing. Neville debuts in case you wanna get to the part you care about. The match doesn’t even begin and Neville attacks him, tossing Axel from the ring and flying right on top of him.
MATCH #4: Curtis Axel vs. Neville Once back in the ring, Neville hits some flying lariats and some quick kicks. Crowd loves it. The Red Arrow wins it at 1:11. “Wow,” says Saxton with all the excitement of a Speak n’ Spell. WINNER: Neville
RATING: DUD, but Neville’s badass.
NEXT: John Cena faces the guy who reluctantly wants to try for the goofy ‘Murica belt.
We come back from break and Byron explains that Brock is the reason we’re hearing him instead of JBL and Cole arguing about Frodo.
Out comes Cena as the crowd boos him back to the Stone Age, singing “JOHN CENA SUUUUUUCKS”. We take a look at clips of Rusev and Cena at WrestleMania last night. Cena says the crowd will hear about WrestleMania Moments all night long. Cena says that the crowd in San Jose is the best audience of the year. They actually pop. He calls them all, “budding musicians”. This prompts the crowd to sing his theme song. He tells them that, if they believe that, they’re gonna have an issue with this next one: THE CHAMP IS HERE! He says he’s “dressed like Johnny Cash” (he’s wearing all black, so that’s valid, folks…he’s just like Johnny Cash) and he puts out his challenge.
And out comes…
Dean Ambrose!
MATCH #5: John Cena (champion) vs. Dean Ambrose (challenger) for the WWE United States Championship Ambrose and Cena trade a couple of spots and, instantly, Byron sends us on our commercial break because we didn’t want to see this match anyway. When we come back, King’s with us because Byron’s about to break down in tears and, suddenly, this is CNN live from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. If anyone can explain why the desk is still on its side, please let me know. And somebody get these guys chairs. My fucking feet hurt watching them stand up. Cena hits moves 1 through 3 and Ambrose kicks him. He tries the Rebound Clothesline but Cena ducks and hits #3 again. He hits #4 and goes for an AA which Ambrose breaks from and counters with a Sunset Flip for two. Ambrose hits a horribly delayed and telegraphed Rebound Clothesline but Cena, being the good guy he is, eats it anyhow. He tries Dirty Deeds but Cena stops it. The two trade BOO/YAY punches, then end up in the corner where Ambrose hits a Tornado DDT for a two count. Cena ends up outside and Ambrose nails him from the top buckle. They both roll into the ring and, suddenly, Super Cena is up and hitting an AA for two. The two end up fighting near the corner and Ambrose botches a Falling Sunset Flip. He pulls Cena down but Cena counters and hits the STF. Ambrose breaks it, so Cena goes for an AA. Ambrose breaks that and hits a pseudo-STF. Cena tries for the ropes so Ambrose breaks the hold and pulls Cena back to the center of the ring. Cena kicks at Ambrose and tries another AA. Ambrose counters with Dirty Deeds and NEARLY gets the pin. Cena and Ambrose trade shots again. About 7 AA counters later and Cena finally hits an AA, retaining at 14:20, after countering a crossbody by Ambrose. WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION: John Cena via AA
RATING: ***. Not bad…but can we stop pretending Cena’s suddenly a little indie mid-carder?
Post-match, Ambrose isn’t happy. He gets up, though, as Cena goes for the RESPECTFUL POST-MATCH TRIPLE H HANDSHAKE. Ambrose accepts, kinda, and we move on.
LAST NIGHT: It was Suplex City, bitch, hefore Seth Rollins cashed in and won the match.
Renee Young speaks with Seth Rollins backstage. He thinks that Brock Lesnar is out of control. He got what he deserved. Orton shows up and reminds Rollins that he beat Rollins at WrestleMania last night. He wants Rollins’ title…but Kane and Big Show show up to stop this noise real quick. Rollins says he’ll face Orton — in a tag match. He wants Orton to find two guys to face the three of them at the end of the night. Orton doesn’t look happy.
AJ Lee heads to the ring as we go to break.
MATCH #6: AJ Lee, Paige, & Naomi vs. Natalya & The Bella Twins (Brie & WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella) in a 6-Diva Tag Team Match Nattie and Naomi begin the thing. Nattie escapes head scissors which looks like it would hurt if Naomi held on tighter to Nattie’s neck. Naomi hits a sitting dropkick after rubbing her ass in Nattie’s nose (DON’T DO THAT TO NATTIE! IT’S ALL SEXUAL AND FLIRTY AND STUFF!!!) Tag to Brie as the crowd chants for Paige. Brie puts Naomi in an armbar, then arm drags her to the mat. Naomi escapes and tags Paige. Paige hits headbutts and dumps Brie to the mat. Two count. Brie calls Paige a “loser”, so Paige dives at her and both girls are outside the ring. It’s a standoff between the remaining Divas as we go to commercial. It’s Nattie and AJ when we come back. AJ breaks a submission move but Nattie kicks her and suplexes AJ for two. Nikki comes into the match and puts a chinlock on AJ who the crowd actually gets behind instead of mocking. AJ breaks the hold and runs to her corner but Nikki blocks her and dumps her to the mat. Two count. Naomi and Paige scream for a tag, so Nikki nails Naomi with a forearm and goes back to work on AJ with a Crosslock. AJ breaks and Nikki runs at Naomi and Paige, swinging with forearms. She gets to Paige but misses Naomi. Hot tag to Naomi and she hits Nikki with a high kick and crossbody. Nikki manages to counter a head scissors off the buckle and dumps Naomi to the mat. Paige saves the pin and it’s a melee as Nattie hits SUPLEX CITY BITCH on Paige. The ring clears with Naomi in between Nikki and Brie. Nikki goes for her forearm — but hits Brie instead. Naomi hits the Rear View to get the win at 13:07. WINNERS: The faces
RATING: **1/2. Not a bad Divas tag. They’re finally starting to take that roster seriously.
MOMENTS AGO: Brock destroyed everyone and everything.
Orton is backstage. Ryback shows up and he wants to be a part of Orton’s team. Orton accepts.
THIS THURSDAY ON SMACKDOWN: Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan face Sheamus and Bad News Barrett.
ALSO ON SMACKDOWN: Orton, Cena and Reigns will all be there.
Michael Cole apparently has a “cervical fracture”…so treasure these brief weeks when we won’t hear him speak.
MATCH #7: Goldust vs. Rusev No Lana. Kick, wham, Accolade anyhow, and we’re done at 2:18. WINNER: Rusev
RATING: DUD. So, Rusev fights — but it isn’t for the title? Ok.
NEXT: The big 6-Man Tag Match.
MATCH #8: Kane, Big Show, & WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton, Ryback & Roman Reigns in a 6-Man Tag Team Match Kane and Ryback start out. Ryback eats a boot in the corner. Rollins gets involved and he gets sent outside. Break again, even though we’re nearing the end of the show. Orton is beating on Kane, then tags Ryback as the crowd is insanely restless at this point, chanting ANYTHING that comes to mind. Rollins tags in and he’s all over Orton with kicks in the corner. He sends Orton into the other corner but Orton comes back with a clothesline and punches at Rollins in the other corner. Crowd begins a “BREEZE IS GORGEOUS” chant and then a “HOW YA’ DOIN'” chant. Tag to Show and the crowd chants “PLEASE RETIRE”. Show laughs and just drops elbows on Orton. He slaps Orton’s chest and tags Kane. Kane hits a snapmare as the crowd chants “SAN JOSE”, then “WE WANT RYBACK”. Orton beats on Kane but then runs into a boot. The Wave starts in the crowd and Rollins cannot believe his eyes. The cameraman follows the wave around, making the entire audience fucking seasick and, finally, the match continues. Rollins splashes Orton in the corner, then yells at the crowd. A “CM PUNK” chant begins as Rollins grabs Orton’s neck in the corner. Orton fights out as the crowd chants, “WE ARE AWESOME”. Reigns gets the hot tag and he hits a Samoan Drop on Kane. He takes out Show, then clotheslines Kane in the corner. Reigns goes for a neckbreaker, then changes his mind and hits Kane in the head. He goes for the Superman Punch. Show grabs him instead. Reigns escapes and hits a Superman Punch. Show runs over Reigns. Ryback hits a Shell Shock on Show. Curb Stomp to Ryback by Rollins. The ring clears and it’s Reigns behind Rollins. Reigns goes for a Spear. Rollins dodges it and runs. Kane attacks Reigns, only to eat an RKO from Orton. Reigns gets the pin at 13:00 and we’re done. WINNERS: The faces.
RATING: **. The crowd killed most of this.
Post-match, it’s a heel/face staredownas we go off the air.
OVERALL: **1/2 stars. Brock signs a new contract and he’s probably not gonna be on much. Meanwhile, it was just a “pile of bodies” show with 20 people involved in three decent matches. Everyone seems so misused lately.
Unfortunately, no best-of-Monday Night Open Mic this week. Too much to recap. See you next week.
Back in 2008, when a little known B-list Marvel character called Iron Man was being made into a movie, I was raving about how it was the perfect choice for Marvel to launch a franchise and beseeching everyone I could to pick up the book before it got big. Seven years later, a few months before the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man/Tony Stark is known around the world and has become an A-list character in his prime.
God, I love saying “I told you so”.
Now, that being said, Iron Fist is not getting a movie, he’s getting a series on Netflix, but for fans of Iron Fist, that should be enough, who needs a movie right? How do we sell others on the idea of Iron Fist?
“Think Tony Stark, but with Kung-Fu.”
Who is Iron Fist?
Danny Rand (Iron Fist) is a billionaire industrialist (tends to be a lot of those in comics huh?) who has some severe childhood trauma. When he was a child, his father took him and his mother on a trip to look for the mystical city of K’un L’un, akin to Shangri-La in literature. Deep within the Himalayas, Danny’s father was pushed to his death by a jealous business partner and while trying to protect him, his mother was eaten by wolves. As Danny was about to be killed, archers from K’un L’un came to the rescue and he was granted entry into the city. The city of K’un L’un only opens to the real world once every ten years, so he trains for revenge while he grows up. In order to gain what he needs for vengeance, until he fights his way to face the guardian dragon of K’un L’un, Shou-Lao the Undying. Upon defeating the dragon, the winner becomes the guardian of K’un L’un, but instead, Danny abandons the city to seek revenge on those who killed his parents.
Why You Should Read Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
Since Matt Fraction has been writing the character in the late 2000’s the world building in Iron Fist has been exquisite and the depth of the stories have been amazing. If you think Tony Stark is a bit of an entitled dick, Danny Rand is the guy for you. I wouldn’t call him emotionally stable, but he knows who he is, his faults and his strengths, and he constantly seeks to better himself. Pair that up with a man caught between the world of technology and mysticism and you have a great mix.
Where to Start
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
– The current volume on shelves now, only ten issues have been out so far, so get to it! This volume right now fleshes out Danny’s origin story and what it means to be trapped between technology and mysticism.
– The previous run of Iron Fist (The Immortal Iron Fist) was much more fantastical, based in mysticism and explores his relationship with the city of K’un L’un. Definitely read it if you want to know more about the world of Iron Fist and his place in the pantheon of heroes.
– Danny Rand has always known that the Iron Fist is a title, and that he is not the first. This volume explores what it means to be an Iron Fist, what that entails, and why Danny Rand might be the last of that long line.
In short, Iron Fist: The Living Weapon has such an amazing art style right now and in my opinion, is one of the best written books being put out by any publisher. The current run is only on issue #10 so you have so few issues to catch up on. If you decide you love the character, you absolutely must read Matt Fraction’s run. Believe me when I say that Iron Fist can be the next breakout character for Marvel.
Go and read Iron Fist: The Living Weapon, I guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed.
Every day this week we’ll tackle the next movie in the franchise, leading up to our review of Furious 7. Buckle up and join us as we all prepare for Furious 7 and that one last ride.
Eight years after the original, Fast & Furious (2009) takes the series back to basics.The original trilogy was more flashy and frivolous (yeah, I said it), with an inconsistent cast and diversions in both Miami and Tokyo. The fourth entry in the franchise reunites Paul Walker and Vin Diesel while grounding the story in a classic crime and revenge tale. FBI agent Brian O’Connor and fugitive Dominic Toretto find themselves hunting the same man: drug trafficker Arturo Braga, whose team may have been responsible for the murder of Letty Ortiz (Michelle Rodriguez). To get close to Braga, they’ll have to go undercover to earn a spot on his elite team of heroin-smuggling drivers.
Stripped of superfluous characters, gaudiness, and definite articles, Fast & Furious is the purest distillation of the franchise by far. Reuniting the original leads and introducing a major character death raises the stakes and at least entertains the notion that the film can be taken seriously. The story borrows all of its familiar beats from other crime films (there’s even a way-too-slow print out of the villain’s face, à la The Usual Suspects), but it’s a serviceable vehicle for the franchise’s ongoing themes of family, loyalty, and stoic dudes living by vaguely-defined codes.
Having matured beyond the gaudiness of previous films but not yet completely gone off the Ocean’s-Eleven-via-Michael-Bay deep end of its successors, Fast & Furious is perhaps the quintessential (dare I say, perfect) film of the franchise.
Which one was this again?
The one where Letty is murdered, and Brian and Dom’s epic bromance is reignited.
Best scene:
Liberated from the usual crowded urban streets, Brian and Dom lead a chaotic final chase through the dry scrublands and open deserts of Mexico. It lacks the sort of finely-tuned fury the series is best known for, but the absurd Mad Max-style combination of car chase and demolition derby make for a unique, entertaining departure for the series (and a hint at the sorts of ridiculous spectacle to come).
(Note, not the complete scene):
Best (most iconic) line:
“A real driver knows exactly what’s in his car.”
Actual best line:
In Brian O’Connor’s attempt to stall for time and sound intimidating during the sting operation to take down Braga, he sets this line (nay, poetry) adrift, devoid of precedent and eliciting no response:
“I got a question for you… Were you wearing pink when you were crawling your way out of el barrio?”
How fast is it?
Moderately. Calculated revenge and deep undercover operations are suspenseful but not particularly fast-paced, and the film is weighed down by the predictable convolutions of its criminal/revenge story.
How furious is it?
Exceptionally. Few things are more infuriating than someone you love being murdered, and Dom’s all cold revenge and righteous fury. His reunion with Brian is also less than amicable, but it isn’t until the revelation that Brian sent Letty undercover to her death that the full wrath of Dom is unleashed.
With the release of Marvel’s Daredevil just around the corner, expect to be inundated with TV spots, trailers, and posters until April 10th. That being said, we’re not ones to complain. Especially when it involves awesome character posters that combine into one giant poster.
Marvel’s Daredevil is the first of four original TV shows set to air on Netflix. The others include: Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones, Marvel’s Iron Fist, and Marvel’s Luke Cage, eventually leading to Marvel’s The Defenders starring all four titular characters. The first season of Marvel’s Daredevil has thirteen episodes, all to be released on April 10th. For more information about the show, head to Netflix.
The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 16 – “Conquer”
Air Date – March 29, 2015
Grade: B-
I was being somewhat facetious when I said that The Walking Dead finale would just be a town hall meeting, but that turns out to have been mostly accurate. Even at an extended ninety minutes, “Conquer” doesn’t contain any of the calamity or spectacle one might have come to expect from a season finale–what we have instead is a series of largely isolated storylines that wouldn’t have felt out of place in the middle of the season. A meeting is held to decide what is to be done about Rick, Daryl and Aaron continue their search for more people to join Alexandria, Nicholas has a bone to pick with Glen, and Sasha and Gabriel entertain their own individual death wishes. It’s a bit of a scattered episode that lacks the grandiosity of previous finales, but it’s a suitable end to one of The Walking Dead’s strongest and most consistent seasons.
The major pivot point for this season was “Them,” an episode in which we finally see the return of optimism and hope after an entire season of grinding our characters into the dirt. “Conquer” is an affirmation of that new direction–despite building towards major conflicts both within and beyond the walls of Alexandria, everything doesn’t immediately and completely go to ruin. Alexandria hasn’t erupted into a warzone, the walls haven’t been overrun by zombies, and the now-confirmed Wolves haven’t yet descended upon the settlement. That isn’t to say that these things won’t still happen (they almost certainly will), but “Conquer” defers these predictable outcomes in favor of something relatively more positive. Rick and the people of Alexandria have finally reached some degree of mutual understanding without the need for an armed coup (though there are still some casualties), Glen is able to resist killing Nicholas even after getting shot, and the one and only Morgan saves Daryl and Aaron are saved from a sadistic trap set by the Wolves. That’s about as optimistic as a show like this gets.
The episode’s extended length gives the storylines a little more room to breathe, but most of them aren’t very substantial on their own. Gabriel, the wettest of blankets, has reached a new low point in his crisis of faith and attempts to commit suicide, first by zombie and later by antagonizing Sasha. Sasha, meanwhile, has a deathwish of her own but chooses Gabriel of all people to confide in (I get that he’s the de facto priest, but the two of them share last place on the list of well-adjusted people from which to seek advice). Abraham and Eugene get a nice moment to finally talk and apologize to each other, but the rest of the episode is filled with various discussions in preparation for the meeting to deal with Rick. Unfortunately, the unconnected storylines don’t weave together particularly well into a satisfying climax for the finale. The tension in the third act draws primarily from Rick investigating a bloody trail leading in from Alexandria’s open and unattended gate, but Glen’s life or death struggle against Nicholas and Sasha’s fight with Gabriel proceed predictably and end unremarkably.
Following Pete’s inadvertent murder of Reg and his resulting execution, Deanna and the rest of the Alexandrians are finally on the same page as Rick. Morgan returns with Aaron and Daryl, but the Wolves have learned about Alexandria from the photos in the backpack Aaron leaves behind. Dealing with the Wolves and their particular brand of crazy will certainly be a major focus of next season, but The Walking Dead has always stumbled when the cast of survivors grows too large. Reg tells Maggie that “civilization starts when we stop running,” but it was the running that gave us the leaner, hungrier episodes that made this season so compelling. “Civilization” largely amounts to a bunch of people sitting around disagreeing with each other, and one only needs to look back to the show’s earlier seasons (or even Tyreese’s death) to see how interesting that can be.
I’ll miss Reg’s history lessons: “The cavemen… they were all nomads. And um, they all died. Then we evolved into this, and we lived.”
Carol’s the best: “You said you don’t want to take this place, and you don’t want to lie? Oh Sunshine, you don’t get both.”
ABC Family, home of the Harry Potter marathon, has ordered a new TV series based on the young adult series, The Mortal Instruments. The show will pick up right at the beginning of the first book, City of Bones, following Clary Fray as she investigates her mother’s kidnapping and is thrust into the underground world of demons and Shadowhunters.
2013 saw the release of the first (and only) Mortal Instruments movie, starring Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower. Thankfully, it looks as though ABC Family (along with most everyone else) has swept memory of the movie under the rug, ready to start fresh in the eyes of younger viewers with the different title, Shadowhunters. Author Cassandra Clare has hopes for the show stating:
“I’m excited to see ABC Family bring the world of the Shadowhunters to life. As a huge fan of long-form television drama, I can’t wait to see the story unfold and for the fans to have more time with the world and the characters”
The cast has yet to be announced, but look for such news to arrive in the near future.
The series will go into production this May in Toronto.
This Friday sees the release of Furious 7 in theaters, the latest entry in the Fast and the Furious franchise. The franchise has spawned more sequels than anyone could have ever imagined, leading us over at The Workprint to take a look at what made this series prosper where so many have failed.
Every day this week we’ll tackle the next movie in the franchise, leading up to our review of Furious 7. Buckle up and join us as we all prepare for Furious 7 and that one last ride.
If there was ever a sign that a franchise was on its way out the door, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift was it. In every practical sense, Tokyo Drift had Straight-to-DVD written all over. With neither Paul Walker nor Vin Diesel signed on to star, Justin Lin took his directorial debut in the Fast series to Tokyo with a whole new cast.
In truth, Tokyo Drift is the best movie in the franchise for car lovers. Many people write-off Tokyo Drift when it comes to The Fast and the Furious series due to the lack of the main cast. What most people don’t realize is Tokyo Drift is a love letter to cars and racing.
Building, tweaking, and hooking up each vehicle is a joy for the characters and any car aficionado watching. Every car is a work of art. No movie that has come after has captured this a perfectly as Tokyo Drift.
But Fast Five and Fast & Furious 6 were better movies you say! I couldn’t agree more, but the cars in those movies are a means to an end. They’re used as vehicles to perform heists. Tuning the cars and racing are no longer the forefront of the series. Even though the movie is a love letter to cars and racing, Tokyo Drift cannot escape its cheese-filled story.
Sean (Lucas Black) finds himself shipped off to live with his father in Tokyo after a street racing incident leaves him looking at jail time. Even though his father forbids him from touching a car (Really Dad? Don’t you know what movie you’re in?), Sean finds himself thrown into the Japanese racing scene which heavily revolves around drifting.
After wrecking Han’s (Sung Kang) car in an attempt to race Takashi, the current Drift King, Sean finds himself running errands to return the favor. The errands happen to be collecting money for the Yakuza. After Takashi’s Yakuza uncle learns that Han has been skimming from the cash he was turning in, an inevitable drifting showdown is set up between Sean and Takashi to settle all the beef.
Which one was this again?
The one in Tokyo with Lucas Black. It also stars Bow Wow.
Best scene:
The chase sequence through downtown is hands down my favorite. The high-speed chase sequence weaves in and out of traffic and shows the brutal reality and dangers of street racing.
Best (most iconic) line:
Han: I have money, it’s trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man’s made of? That’s a price I can live with.
Actual best line:
Twinkie: Do you know what ‘D.K.’ means? Sean Boswell: Donkey Kong?
Best Car:
Hands down, the best car in the entire movie. I don’t care what any of you haters say.
The Greatest Thing Ever to Come Out of Tokyo Drift’s Existence:
Tokyo Drift from the Teriyaki Boyz. No words are needed to explain why.
How fast is it?
Very fast. The act of drifting allows you to get through turns without slowing down to a complete stop. Possibly the fastest move of the bunch.
How furious is it?
Very. The brutality of street racing is brought to the forefront with vicious accidents sprinkled throughout the movie.
Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams will have a guest role on the new season of Doctor Who, BBC America announced on Monday.
“I’m so excited to be working on Doctor Who as it’s such a big and important part of British Culture,” Williams said in a press release. “I can’t wait to meet the cast and crew and start filming, especially as we’ll be shooting not too far from my home town.”
No details have been given on who she will be playing, but Executive Producer Steven Moffatcommented that “she is going to challenge the Doctor in very unexpected ways. This time he might just be out of his depth, and we know Maisie is going to give him exactly the right sort of hell.”
Doctor Who will return this Fall. You can catch Maisie Williams in Game of Thrones on April 12 when the fifth season premieres.
Trevor Noah will be the successor to Jon Stewart as the host of The Daily Show Comedy Central president, Michele Ganeless, announced Monday.
Noah, born in South Africa, rose in the comedy circuit to become one of the top comedians in Africa. His first television debut was in 2012 on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and he was the first South African comedian to appear on Late Show with David Letterman. Noah joined The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as a contributor in 2014.
“Trevor Noah is an enormous talent. He has an insightful and unique point of view, and most importantly, is wickedly funny,” said Ganeless. “For the next host of ‘The Daily Show,’ we set out to find a fresh voice who can speak to our audience with a keen take on the events of the day, and we found that in Trevor. He has a huge international following and is poised to explode here in America, and we are thrilled to have him join Comedy Central.”
“It’s an honor to follow Jon Stewart. He and the team at ‘The Daily Show’ have created an incredible show whose impact is felt all over the world,” said Noah. “In my brief time with the show they’ve made me feel so welcome. I’m excited to get started and work with such a fantastic group of people.”
Said Jon Stewart: “I’m thrilled for the show and for Trevor. He’s a tremendous comic and talent that we’ve loved working with…In fact, I may rejoin as a correspondent just to be a part of it!!!”
It’s the final days of normal civilization in the first look at AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead teaser. The events of the series will start at the beginning of the outbreak unlike The Walking Dead, which started a few months after the outbreak had already occurred with Rick Grimes waking up in his hospital bed.
The Walking Dead spin-off series, set in Los Angeles, will star Cliff Curtis, Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, and Alycia Debnam Carey.
The first season of Fear The Walking Dead will air this Summer with a six-episode run. The series has already been renewed for a sixteen-episode second season from the network.
In a new TV spot that aired during The Walking Dead, Microsoft revealed October 27, 2015 as the release date for Halo 5: Guardians.
The live-action TV ad finds Spartan Locke walking through a war torn environment, hunting for Master Chief who lies wounded not too far away under a statue of himself. Locke blames Chief for all the destruction with the ad ending as Locke aims a pistol at the franchise hero. No gameplay was shown in the TV spot.
Those looking to learn more can head over to http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ to delve deeper into the mystery behind Locke’s hunt of Master Chief.
Update: 10:23 PM EST
A second ad has aired during The Walking Dead now featuring the same events of the first ad, but with the characters in reversed roles. Who is at fault for the destruction – Spartan Locke or Master Chief?
Halo 5: Guardians will release on October 27, 2015 exclusively on the Xbox One
Next week sees the release of Furious 7 in theaters, the latest entry in the Fast and the Furious franchise. The franchise has spawned more sequels than anyone could have ever imagined, leading us over at The Workprint to take a look at what made this series prosper where so many have failed.
Every day this week we’ll tackle the next movie in the franchise, leading up to our review of Furious 7. Buckle up and join us this week as we all prepare for Furious 7 and that one last ride.
If The Fast and the Furious was cheesy, its sequel is Velveeta. Zero substance, it’s terribly unhealthy for you, you don’t even want to know what’s in it, and yet, you can’t help but eat it up. The story follows the original, as Brian O’Connor (Walker) has made his way down to Miami and is, surprisingly, racing cars. He gets caught by the police and they offer a clean slate if he agrees to bring down drug lord, Carter Verone, while working in tandem with fellow undercover agent, Monica Fuentes (Mendes). After enlisting the help of estranged BFF Roman Pearce (Gibson), Brian goes undercover yet again and takes down the bad guy with cars. Vroom vroom.
There isn’t a plot in this movie, despite what the creators would have you think. Don’t expect it to be anything other than mindless fun. Go into it with an open mind or an empty brain and it won’t irk you too much. The dialogue is cringe-worthy at times, full of “bros” and cliched “I’m a bad ass” phrases. At times it sounds as if it were written by a sixth grader.
For example:
I know man its getting thick real quick. We need some way out through some kind of exit strategy.
But in truth, it is good fun and I liked seeing the Nissan Skyline in action and Tyrese is funny (and pretty).
The introduction. Even though the gear changes are absurd (they all must have hella strong legs from slamming in that clutch so much), it’s by far the most entertaining sequence. I love the bridge jump.
Best (most iconic) line:
Roman: He did the stare and drive on you, didn’t he? He got that from me.
Or “something something, homeboy.”
Actual best line:
Brian O’Connor: Now put your blouse back on. Roman Pearce: Hater.
How fast is it?
Oh, it’s fast. In fact, the movie would have been much improved had it only been the racing scenes, as the plot was mediocre, at best. (A tactic later movies would pick up.)
How furious is it?
Not as much as the first movie. There isn’t nearly as much (if any) tension throughout the film. It’s obvious it was meant to show off the racing, explosions, and flat abs. Brian is as still as a pond and doesn’t cause even so much as a ripple throughout. It’s Roman who could have had the internal struggle over staying loyal to Brian or ditching him, but…he doesn’t. He just goes along for the ride making snarky quips along the way.
Who are the winners and losers at WrestleMania 31 (AKA “Play”) in Santa Clara? Our 2K Sports article gave you a bit of an idea…but this is gonna be less Turing and more human..
WrestleMania is today, live from Santa Clara, California and Danielle and I will be there in person – a dream come true, to be sure – so, we tasked Gimmick writer, Jared Patterson, with helping us with our predictions.
Let’s go!
JARED Matt’s out rubbing elbows with the stars of the WWE, so I’ll kick this shindig off. My pick for this is Sheamus. He’s been it for a while. I feel he will make his return here and take the whole thing.
MATT It’s hard to disagree. WWE hasn’t been very subtle with their returning stars: Barrett came back from injury and he won back the IC Title. Batista returned and he won the Royal Rumble — ironically, the year Reigns should have won the thing. Bryan returned — but, like clockwork, WWE Creative decided that now was the time to kiss and make up. Reigns won and here we are. In any case, Sheamus MAY win this thing…but I think it’s gonna be Curtis Axel. Dude is riding a huge wave of momentum and I’d be surprised if he didn’t win.
DANIELLE Matt and I saw Curtis Axel beat Heath Slater at the NXT Stage on Day Two of Axxess. Creative might have put that match on a sign of things to come. Plus with his shirt ripping antics paying homage to Hulk Hogan, he knows how to rile a crowd up, which is needed for an early match to get things started on the right foot, so why not have him do that then win soon after (as he did in Axxess). As Matt pointed out Curtis is currently riding a wave of public fan love and that goes far in Wrestlemania.
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (Champs) vs. The New Day vs. Los Matadores vs. The Usos
in a Fatal Four Way for the WWE Tag Team Championship
JARED Kidd and Cesaro. I feel they haven’t had the titles for very long and, since this isn’t even on the actual card for ‘Mania, they’ll retain for a later PPV.
MATT Agree. Tyson and Kidd aren’t even fully cooked yet. I have a feeling that Los Matadores could be the sleeper favorite but today isn’t their day. The New Day is on death’s door with their DOA gimmick and The Usos are the only thing close to quality. The only issue is that they had two good runs with the titles. Kidd and Cesaro retain.
DANIELLE Matt and Jared are both wrong as they are forgetting that The Usos are the hometown boys as they reminded us at Hall of Fame last night when they inducted their father, Rikishi, into the Hall of Fame. The Usos win and we probably see Rikishi come into the ring to dance and celebrate with them as well.
JARED The Undertaker. This is a pointless filler match, only because they don’t have a good storyline for Wyatt. Might as well let him have it, we won’t see him again for another 366 days. (Next year’s a leap year.)
MATT I’m really torn…but I think I’m going with Bray Wyatt. First, this is the match that should have happened last year. If there was anyone more fitting to end “The Streak”, it’s Bray Wyatt. Secondly, Bray’s sucked for a LONG time. He beat Dean Ambrose up in nearly every single match, which…well, pretty much proved that Ambrose can take a beating and not care. I can’t see them sacrificing him to a guy that, by all means, should be retired because, holy shit, did you see him last year against Brock Lesnar?! That was sad, sad stuff.
The Undertaker. I have a feeling this might be his last match and while it is traditional for a wrestler to lose at his last match (horrible tradition in my opinion), having him lose for the second time at Wrestlemania especially if he will retire at Wrestlemania (a tradition I like better) would be too much of a crowd killer and a downer.
Paige & AJ Lee vs. The Bella Twins
JARED I think the Bellas will implode with Brie attacking Nikki. Then, they’ll lose.
MATT Paige & AJ should win — except they started an idiotic feud where there shouldn’t be a feud and, now, we have Paige and AJ at each other’s throats. I have a feeling this one ends in a screwy, bullshit ending with a distraction roll-up pin or a Double DQ or a countout. Honestly, the Divas Title should be on the line.
DANIELLE While I’m fearing a Double DQ I don’t think they will do it. I think Paige and AJ will win, and they will do so with some of the other Divas helping them cheat to do so to turn the tides on the twins who themselves cheat a lot. Wrestlemania tends to be a big focus of the Total Divas show and they want this match to be big, memorable and possibly feature other Divas not already on the card.
Daniel Bryan, Stardust, Dolph Ziggler, Luke Harper, Dean Ambrose, R-Truth, & Bad News Barrett (champ) in a Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
JARED I’m going with Daniel Bryan. This will set him up later to get back into main card status. (Once they realize Roman Reigns really DOES suck.)
MATT Hard to argue that. Daniel Bryan should win…barring a total implosion from WWE Creative. Really, there are two logical choices here: Bryan or Ziggler. Bryan needs this because, give me a break. Remember, last year, when he was raising the World Title with confetti coming down from the ceiling?This year, dude’s in a match with R-fucking-Truth.
DANIELLE It’s unanimous here, Daniel Bryan deserves to win if for no other reason then they took a perfectly logical hey he never lost storyline and threw it out the window to force Reigns on us (and this is from someone who likes Reigns a lot, just not at this year’s headliner when Daniel Bryan was available).
Rusev (Champion) vs. John Cena for the WWE United States Championship
JARED John Cena. It’s time Rusev got the loss and this is where he gets it. Watch for that American Flag to drop. Look for Cena to come out flanked by the men and women of our armed forces.
MATT If only it were that easy. John Cena by countout. Hell, I don’t even know why the U.S. Championship still exists. It’s an old WCW title that was bastardized and made into a tacky, “commemorative” piece by the McMahon Family and it should have been combined with the IC Title a long time ago.I cannot see Cena winning the weakest title on the roster — not when he’s supposed to be attempting to go for Ric Flair’s title record before he retires.
John Cena by disqualification. It’s going to look like he has no chance to win, then Lana or whoever is managing him now does something so he is disqualified.
Sting vs. Triple H
Sting. If he doesn’t win, that will tell you exactly how the WWE feels about its fans.
MATT Yep. Totally agree. No reason for Sting to lose this one. I just don’t really know what this feud’s supposed to be about, really. Awesome to see Sting in WWE, though. And, what’s more — LIVE! Sting wins.
DANIELLE Definitely Sting. Triple H has lost more matches than he has won at Wrestlemania and this will be no exception. It’s also our little bone thrown to fans match so we forget how much we don’t want Reigns in the main event.
Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins
JARED No contest. The Authority won’t let this match happen. They’ll jump Orton and leave him decimated so he won’t interfere with their master plan.
MATT Yeah, but unless they send Orton to the hospital, nothing’s gonna stop him from getting to Seth for the cash-in later on. I think Seth Rollins wins this one — THEN it becomes a bit of a beatdown following the match.
Orton. That’s OK, though as it perfectly sets up the last match of the night.
Brock Lesnar (champ) vs. Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
JARED My pick? Seth Rollins. Don’t get it confused, Brock Lesnar will win, and this will be another ass-whooping given, by Lesnar, to Reigns. After the match, the Authority will come in and beat the crap out of Lesnar, then Rollins will cash in. This will set up a feud at the next PPV with Lesnar on a rampage leading up to it.
MATT I really have no idea. This is gonna be screwy. Too many ways for it to go. You could see Heyman turn heel and go with Reigns. You could see Rollins cash in on a weary winner and get the title himself. You could see The Rock help his cousin win, starting a feud with Brock Lesnar…I’m really unsure. I know one thing: Lesnar isn’t gonna be champion at the end of the night.
DANIELLE No question about it, it’s Seth. My guess is that they have Reigns win by DQ or count out. Then while Lesnar is freaking out about it as he just signed a new contract, Seth comes by hits both men with the Money in the Bank briefcase and cashes in. He beats Reigns, probably clean as at this point Roman is exhausted and wins for our grand finish.
Tune in to the WWE Network at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST (FOR ONLY $9.99) to find out who wins and who loses!
Next week sees the release of Furious 7 in theaters, the latest entry in the Fast and the Furious franchise. The franchise has spawn more sequels than anyone could have ever imagined, leading us over at The Workprint to take a look at what made this series prosper where so many have failed.
Every day this week we’ll tackle the next movie in the franchise, leading up to our review of Furious 7. Buckle up and join us this week as we all prepare for Furious 7 and that one last ride.
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
The film that started it all, The Fast and the Furious (2001) stars the late Paul Walker as Brian O’Connor, an LAPD officer sent undercover to infiltrate the world of illegal street racing. Attempting to find those responsible behind a series of dangerous truck heists, his loyalties begin to waver as he finds himself growing closer to Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his crew of racers. The film has since been eclipsed by its more grandiose successors, but nevertheless contains some compelling action sequences. The truck heists in particular are a highlight, while the chases and races convey a great sense of speed and tension when they aren’t overcomplicated by blurry slow motion effects or CG engine animations.
Unmistakably a product of its time, the film hasn’t aged very gracefully. Swaggering dialogue pads out a meager plot against a background of turn-of-the-century hip hop and alternative metal–the movie is instantly dated once the Limp Bizkit and Ja Rule tracks kick in during depictions of rowdy street racers and gaudy cars with neon underlights. Similarly, Brian’s first street race includes some CG animation of nitrous oxide igniting within the engine paired with an accelerated zoom effect and motion blur, as though they were racing spaceships with nitrous-powered warp engines.
Which one was this again?
The first one. With Ja Rule.
Best scene:
The opening heist, a homage to the iconic, death defying chase scene from Stagecoach (1939). It’s an exhilarating start to both the film and the franchise, and a nice reminder that as far as the action goes, the film understands that flash and style don’t matter as much as what’s under the hood.
Best (most iconic) line:
“I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.”
Actual best line:
How fast is it?
Not very. The film limps along with weak plotting and uncompelling characters punctuated with the occasional race. It’s bookended by solid action sequences featuring some great stunt work, but the entire film could easily have been twenty minutes shorter.
How furious is it?
Fairly. There’s a lot of legitimate anger, particularly from Vin Diesel’s brooding Dominic Toretto, but the rest amounts to the sort of tantrums typical of wounded machismo and bluster.
12 Monkeys Season 1, Episode 11 – “Shonin” Air Date: March 27, 2015 Grade: A+
Major Spoilers for 12 Monkeys’ “Shonin” below
Thank you “12 Monkeys” for confirming my suspicions and making this episode one for the books because as I theorized last week, Ramse is indeed The Witness and one of the major players in the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
“Shonin” was a huge reveal episode, chronicling Ramse’s journey from unexpected time traveler to becoming The Witness in the Army of the 12 Monkeys. Unlike previous episodes, “Shonin” spends most of its time following Ramse’s initial recruitment by the 12 Monkeys and his actions up till the present 2015 timeline. The odyssey is filled with interesting new details as well as new questions that will baffle any fan’s mind (including my own).
Ramse is contacted by Olivia (the lady whom Aaron met last week played by the lovely Alisen Down) while in prison for stabbing Cole during their fight to the death inside the White Dragon. Incidentally, it seems that Cole telling Leland Goines that there was a virus inside the body is what triggered the man to buy it in the first place. Great!
Our mysterious woman Olivia.
During Ramse’s period of incarceration, Olivia sent letters and a copy of “The Art of War” to keep him sane and prepare him for his role as The Witness. This led to a masterful takedown of a prison yard bully that mercilessly beat him for years. One day Ramse reveals to his fellow inmates (after learning Japanese) that his attacker was working for the guards and snitched on them causing the other prisoners to kill the man for him. Such manipulation! Soon after Ramse is released and meets Olivia, Pallid Man, and others at an undisclosed sanctum.
At this meeting, Pallid Man wears the same necklace that Jennifer gave Ramse in the future. PM mentions Olivia’s father would have been so happy to see this occasion. Olivia and a confused Ramse take the two necklaces and place it on a dish with the same symbol etched on the sides. Since the necklaces are the same item just from different time periods, a paradox explosion occurs the way it did when Cassie’s two watches were put next to each other. The event yields a strange aftermath where all of the shrubbery transitions from green to red. This must be significant because in the last episode when Cole splintered at the bar, a plant also changed colors from green into red. There could also be some link to the Red Forest, perhaps an area that becomes red somehow is somehow changed from the rest of the world?
After this, Ramse pretty much lays the groundwork for the events that take place during the season so far. He invests in Leland Goines’ Markridge, gets Pallid Man to kill all the Markridge scientists and lets Jennifer take the blame, he purposely has the Army of the 12 Monkeys lose the virus in Chechnya and then have Peters recreate it for them. He even has Olivia meet Aaron to secure his compliance, going so far as having a hand in Senator Royce’s selected survivor private sector project. Speaking of which, could that have been the origin of Spearhead and Project Splinter?
In addition, Olivia gets Jennifer into the fold by creepy brainwashing. She manipulates the younger woman into trusting her by preying on the former asylum patient’s abandonment issues. This is a disturbing scene because Olivia basically tries to become a mother figure with Jennifer as her “daughter.” We know of course that Jennifer will lead The Daughters in the future, thus making certain that she helps trigger the events that sends Ramse back in time.
While he’s been working to make sure the present timeline goes according to plan, there are some unexpected circumstances that have occurred. One example is Ramse’s weird skin issue (his hands look like their slowly rotting). Olivia only comments that time is imperfect, yea you got that right. Secondly, why are they not aging? This particular scene jumps 16 years into the future and Ramse, Olivia, and Pallid Man look the same. Did the explosion from the necklaces in 1995 alter their bodies due to exposure?
Still, throughout the years Ramse isn’t the unquestioning believer that Olivia and Pallid Man appear to be. There is some spiritual/prophetic aspect to the Army of the 12 Monkeys that I don’t think Ramse buys into. He’s just there to ensure a future for his son. And on that note, who are the 12 that are coming? More time travellers?? It makes you wonder if somehow in the future future something happens to Jones that allows for more chrononauts.
Speaking of which, Jones in 2043 is in dire straights as everyone in Project Splinter abandons the facility. Beforehand they make a last ditch effort to send Cole to 2015 after he is stabbed by Ramse in 1987, but doing so cuts their tether and they no longer will be able to bring him back to their present. Whitley soon leaves with his men after he realizes that Jones is kind of crazy to remain there even after their mission was over. As a viewer, it is a sad and telling moment for the German doctor who’s determination to stay the course has seemingly crossed over into delusion.
All hail Ramse!
Meanwhile, Ramse believes he killed Cole back in Tokyo. However thanks to Team Splinter, the other man managed to survive in 2015 by making it to Cassie’s place.
We can guess that Ramse doesn’t know what happens next after this point since all the events he’d been told about had come to pass. I wonder if Olivia has more information that she’s hiding, perhaps secrets her father told her? It’s going to be interesting to see how the next two episodes play out because “Shonin” had been all about making certain the present timeline was preserved. But like in many time travel narratives, we are faced with the unanswerable question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Let me know if you figure that out.
Great performances all around but especially from Kirk Acevedo, Alisen Down, Barbara Sukowa and Emily Hampshire in this episode. Acevedo’s portrayal of Ramse from a confused, bewildered state to a sinister one is a treat to watch as this is a side of the character we have never seen before. Down takes Olivia’s enigmatic and slightly sexually charged persona to new levels. Sukowa’s Jones is almost heartbreaking to watch as she brings a fragility to her final scene (being alone in the facility). And Hampshire shows us a different Jennifer, exposing her child-like emotional vulnerability.
So now that we’ve gotten a glimpse of what the Army of the 12 Monkeys have been plotting to this whole time, there are many more unanswered questions that hang in the air. We still don’t know what exactly the group wants to accomplish and for what purpose? How did Olivia’s father know that Ramse, aka The Traveler as she calls him, was going to time travel to 1987 Tokyo? Is there another unknown time traveler that went even further back in the past? Why did Ramse, Olivia, and Pallid Man stop aging? Where did the other people who were in the 12 Monkeys 1995 meeting go (they disappeared shortly after Olivia and Ramse linked the necklaces) ? Will Jones survive all alone in 2043? How will Cole and Cassie fight against Ramse, Olivia and Pallid Man? The odds seem stacked against them and humanity at large.
Last and most importantly how much did Zeljko Ivanek rock that toupee?? A LOT.
Ohhh yeaaaaa
“Shonin” left me in a state of overwhelm in the best possible way. Next one please!
007 is back in the first teaser trailer to the 24th James Bond film “Spectre.”
The film is directed by Sam Mendes (who also helmed “Skyfall”) and stars Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Monica Belluci, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw, Dave Bautista, Naomie Harris, and Andrew Scott.
A cryptic message from Bond’s (Craig) past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M (Fiennes) battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
There are some who would say that WWE is wrestling company in flux.
That, despite the fact WWE has the support of the majority of wrestling fans, there’s something relatively off about their biggest event of the year.
Brandon Stroud of Uproxx said it best:
“Remember last year with the whole “yes yes yes” thing? And the sick kid in the front row, and all the confetti, and the … no? Aw okay.”
Yep. That’s where I think most people are, collectively.
Things like this weekend, like Axxess, like events such as The WWE Hall of Fame and the overall big event at Levi’s Stadium, they make you momentarily forget about the fact that Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns haven’t had any real chemistry leading up to the big show.
It makes you forget that the annual, all-important-sounding Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal has now been reduced to a pre-show throwaway match — as if it matters anyhow. After being completely misused for nearly a year, Cesaro is a co-champion, teaming with Tyson Kidd and his wife who only seems to be relevant when she’s on NXT.
They make you forget that the two most interesting matches on the card feature three guys who are way beyond their prime.
They make you forget that, after making a great, big deal out of Daniel Bryan — only to see him vying for a title that’s become a punchline.
There’s a lot wrong with WWE right now. Nobody can deny that.
Events like the one tonight allow one’s inner mark come out to play. It’s an expo for wrestling nerds such as myself and others.
Let’s get to Day One of WrestleMania Weekend!
First, I must say that, as a resident (and native) of the good ol’ Silicon Valley, I was blown away at how easily the city has handled this event. The event was scheduled to begin at 5 PM (PST) which, let’s face it, means you usually need to get off of work early or else you’re sitting in traffic thick as mud. However, imagine my surprise when I discovered that getting in was fairly easy. Getting near the Convention Center, surprisingly routine and simple. Parking only took a few minutes as well.
Even though I’ve followed wrestling since the mid-80’s, I’ve never been to a single WWE event or pay-per-view. I was kinda nerve-wracked because part of me was here for the pleasure of being here and the other part of me knew this was “work”.
It’s been really cool to witness the buzz around the area in the last week. You see the ads for this thing all over the place. Our bus and lightrail system is plastered with the event poster stuff, you can see the little pole flags all over the downtown area, our local radio and TV personalities have been interviewing various WWE Superstars…it’s been exciting.
Once Danielle and I got into the San Jose Convention Center lobby, it felt like home.
They even had an incredible red carpet entrance complete with booming wrestler theme songs and flashing lights.
The side walls were adorned with giant posters of various Superstars, so we each chose one to take a photo with.
Danielle got Daniel Bryan while I chose to pose in front of the Sting poster (you can click on each to enlarge them if need be):
The inside is a wrestling fan’s dream. Large event posters decorated the entire hall:
And, yes, that’s the Elimination Chamber in the corner:
One of the highlights of Axxess is interacting with the actual Superstars of WWE. Originally, Danielle and I were going to buy VIP tickets which would have entitled us to get signatures from the top stars like Roman Reigns, Triple H, Daniel Byran and vets like Hulk Hogan, Sting and Rowdy Roddy Piper.
Honestly, meeting some of the younger, lower-tier stars was an unexpected pleasure.
What’s more, meeting them was almost like a great customer service experience. They seemed interested to meet you, greeting you with a smile instead of just signing your paper and taking a picture with a face made of granite.
Take “Rusev” for example:
Ok, first, let’s get this out of the way: dude should be a freakin’ linebacker. Dude’s not “from Russia”…he is Russia. He’s just big. Gigantic. Wide freakin’ shoulders and barrel chest. He always looked small on TV to me. Real life, it’s a different story.
We didn’t get to meet him because Danielle and I went to meet Paige and a couple of others instead and we missed our shot with him, but we saw him walking around and he’s somebody you don’t want to meet in a dark alley. He’s huge and menacing in real life — and we actually caught him genuinely smiling and laughing with people. It was so strange to me because, when we see these guys, you always think part of their “character” must be derived from some part of them that’s buried deep down.
There were two lines at each signing booth: the one for the regular general admission ticket holders and the line for the disabled fans who used canes, walkers and wheelchairs. Watching Rusev getting up, shaking hands, kneeling down near a fan who was physically unable to get out their chair and grinning from ear to ear really warmed my heart.
These guys love what they do. They love to entertain and they truly love their fans.
Danielle wore her Paige shirt to the event and stopped at her booth to get a photo and her shirt signed. I told her I was gonna go get some pictures and see if I could grab a few words from some of the stars.
First, I stopped off to see Konnor and Viktor of “The Ascension” and got some pretty good shots:
I ended up getting my picture with them, which I actually didn’t plan to do but, when in Rome…
When I got up there, I told them, “I have nothing for you guys to sign…I just realized that.” Konnor (at the table on the right — who also reminds me a lot of a cousin of mine) gave me a grin and said, “Dude, we you covered! No worries!” Viktor nodded and said, “Here you go, bro…” while signing a piece of paper for me and passing it to Konnor. I took my pic with them, shook their hands and said, “Hey…Tag champs in the future?” Konnor smiled and said, “You know it, man! You’ll see!”
After this, I texted Danielle that I’d join her in line for Paige but that I needed to get some photos of the place.
Just outside of the Ascension signing spot was Triple H’s throne from WrestleMania XXX:
Scoped out Renee Young and Byron Saxton at the Smackdown desk:
Here’s a bit of a close-up:
On my way back, I bumped into “Macho Sam” who you’ll remember from our WrestleMania Pre-Party report. If not, here’s the photo we took of him at that event:
This time around, I got a picture with him:
His name is Sam Schmucker and, as it turns out, he’s a very kind Hawaiian native with an affinity for cosplay. That’s par for the course at an event such as this. Many fans come dressed in WWE merch or hold genuine, gold-plated title belts — but Sam strives for accuracy. “I love dressing as the Macho Man,” he says “But, now, it’s really special and fitting since he’s being honored at this year’s Hall of Fame ceremony.”
After doing the first go-round, I rejoined Danielle who was waiting in a long, long line for Paige. I have to say that Paige is an absolute blast. She’s down to earth and loves to bullshit. She treats every single fan like a friend. She hugs, she flirts, she fucking swears. If you flip her shit, she’ll hit you with the shovel you used to sling it. She’s the ultimate badass Diva — and she’s sweet and unpretentious. Which is more than what I can say for a certain Diva who shows up less than Brock Lesnar.
She’s just too awesome. I can’t say enough good things about her. She even stayed a whole hour after her scheduled signing time because so many people wanted to see her. And what happened when her stage manager finally convinced her that she had to leave? Did she up and leave like Rusev and Jack Swagger?
Hell no.
She turned to everyone and said, “I have no choice…I need to go. I do realize that I didn’t get to everyone…so, here’s the thing: I don’t want to leave you all so I will go backwards through the line and gladly take a picture which each and every one of you — but only pictures. I can’t sign anything. Have your camera ready to go, yell my name and I will stop and take a picture with you.”
And she did it — still smiling and laughing with fans as she went. I didn’t get one, but Danielle did.
We did score a nice bonus with being sixth-to-next in line: Rosa Mendes was the next Superstar to be assigned the booth, so we got a nice pic with her as well:
After a quick food break at the concession stand, Danielle and I ventured over to the NXT show that was going on. Turns out NXT was having a short tournament to determine who is going to the pre-show Andre battle royal.
It was nice to see JoJo doing the ring announcer thing. Glad that she wasn’t completely destroyed by the hellish suckage that is Total Divas.
We watched Tyler Breeze take on Finn Balor, which was a lot of fun. If I were WWE, I’d pull all of the guys featured into the majors.
The tourney would eventually come down to Balor vs. Hideo Itami with Itami coming out the victor, a nice moment capped off by Itami being congratulated by Japanese wrestling legend, Tatsumi Fujinami. So, we’ll see Itami at the Andre Battle Royal.
After this, Danielle and I went to visit Adam Rose and Sin Cara. When we got there, Danielle told Adam Rose that The Bunny needs to be put under control. Without missing a beat, Rose said, “I’m so glad you said that! I’ve told him that a million times! This is MY SHOW!”
The moment of the night came shortly after Itami’s win over Balor. Michael Cole came to the ring (to a loud chorus of boos, MIGGAL!) and introduced Triple H. Behind him was an object with a long, dark cover over it. Beforehand, Cole reminded us all of the Ultimate Warrior induction into last year’s Hall of Fame, which was followed by inexplicable tragedy the very next day when he passed away. Cole said that they were here to pay tribute to Warrior.
To the surprise of many, Cole introduced Triple H.
Triple H would spend about the next five minutes gushing about Warrior and how he was an inspiration to everyone. He touched upon their differences, stating that he was glad that, with age, came wisdom. He was happy that the two of them were able to discover that wisdom and maturity to patch up their differences.
Then he introduced Dana Warrior and her daughters.
Dana received “WARRIOR” chants and started to visibly break down. She would nearly lose it when Michael Cole and Triple H unveiled WWE’s tribute…a Warrior sculpture.
Afterward, Dana gave a speech, commending WWE for their care after Warrior’s passing and, praised Triple H, himself, calling him, “This bad guy right here.” Warrior thanked all the fans for the years of support and promised that Warrior would live forever no matter what.
After that, the Warrior Family paid tribute to Warrior by grabbing the top rope and shaking it wildly while Warrior’s music pumped over the speakers.
It was an incredible, moving moment.
After this, Danielle and I made a stop at the WWE WrestleMania Museum which featured the wardrobe and props used by various WWE Superstars and personnel as well as historical photos, magazines and video. The wardrobe for Warrior and Randy Savage, alone, were worth the walkthrough.
First, was Warrior:
Luckily, we got to see the statue as they had just rolled it in.
Next was Savage.
Two things Danielle said here:
1) “Hogan has gigantic feet”
2) “Oh, look: he gets the entire set-up and Sting gets a dinky little cameo…figures…”
Wardrobe for The Bushwhackers, Ric Flair and Larry Zbyszko.
Rikishi and Harley Race were also represented.
And various memorabilia and props from several different WrestleManias…
Danielle even posed with a life-size Andre the Giant statue…
Danielle took a pic of me with fellow Italian, Bruno Sammartino…
We decided to go home after this…but ran into a signature booth we couldn’t pass up…Jake “The Snake” Roberts was signing…
I DID feel terrible: I gushed over Jake, telling him how I watched him when I was a kid and that my favorite storyline was when he feuded with Rick Martel…and I barely paid attention to Ivory who was sitting next to him. Poor woman even injected herself into the conversation by saying, “That’s why we’re here…we jog your memory.” She smiled sweetly and I said, “Yeah, you all do. Thank you, Ivory.”
Jake shrugged and said to her, “Yeah…or we completely lose our memories and struggle to remember this stuff because we’re ancient!” Both of them laughed and asked if I wanted a photo…to which I said, “Hell, yes!”
I have to say that both of them have aged well. Danielle got a photo, too. She met Ivory and told her she was beautiful, then told Jake that he was proud of him for everything he’s done in his career — especially outside the ring. (A reference, of course, to overcoming his addiction issues.) She said that he was an inspiration to so many people, including herself. He thanked her and she got a photo.
And, so, that was Day 1. Tonight, it’s back to Axxess for more fun, followed by the Hall of Fame on Saturday, WrestleMania at Levi’s on Sunday and RAW on Monday…
“The Walking Dead Are Dead”
“The Running Dead”
“The Walking Dead and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”
And my personal favorite:
“Shuffling Feet Means Get Off The Street”
No matter how ridiculous the title may be, AMC has already ordered two seasons of the show, so we better get used to it. The first six episodes will air this summer with the remaining set to release in 2016 for season two.
Over here at the Workprint, we love a good parody. Take something as serious as Game of Thrones and fill it up with fat cats and we are all over it. Which is why we found KittyCassandra’s Cat Paintings so endearing. It’s hard to hate Joffrey when he looks so cute trying to fit into a box that’s too small. SILLY BABY KING.
Bran makes a guest appearance. See if you can spot him.
KittyCassandr has more Cat-tastic character art from our favorite TV shows. Just check out her Etsy page for Broad City, Orange is the New Black, and Orphan Black artwork.
The humor of Parks and Recreation cat artwork isn’t lost on me. It’s almost like the writers were begging for cat parodies with a town name like “Pawnee.”
It’s no secret. I hated the series finale of How I Met Your Mother, when I recapped and reviewed it for BuddyTV.
One year later … do I still hate it? Yes, yes I do.
But I was also curious what one of the stars of the infamous final scene thought one year later. So recently, I had an opportunity to speak with David Henrie, who played Ted Mosby’s son on the show. Henrie was also Russo in Disney’s Wizards of Waverly Place and has directed a few short films, including Boo! and Catch. He will be starring in Little Boy, written and directed by Alejandro Monteverde. The film premieres April 24.
It’s been a year since the finale ended. What did you actually think of the ending? Have you re-watched it since it first aired?
No, I haven’t had a chance to re-watch it! I knew the ending all those years so I was just waiting for it to happen already lol!!
I’m sure you’ve been asked about what you thought about the ending a thousand times, so instead, let me ask you this: what did you think of the outcry and the backlash to the ending that originally aired?
I mean people were passionate about the show … makes sense that they’d have strong opinions. All endings of beloved shows beget that. [It’s] a sign that the creators were doing something right for all those years.
OK fine, because people will yell at me if I don’t ask it: what did you ultimately think of the ending? Do you think they should have gone with the one on the Blu-Ray where the “mother” lives?
I didn’t have a problem with it. I especially loved what they did with Barney.
Do you keep in touch with your “sister” Lyndsy Fonseca? Have you seen her on Agent Carter this season?
We see each other every so often. No, I [haven’t seen Agent Carter] yet.
When you’re walking down the street—do you think you get more recognized as Ted Mosby’s son from How I Met Your Mother or as Justin Russo from Disney’s Wizards of Waverly Place?
Wizards of Waverly Place for sure.
You’ve directed a couple of your own short films, and will next be seen in a film called Little Boy. Do you think you’ll ever find yourself going back to television?
I’m not opposed to it—we’ll see where God takes me.
Tell us about the two short films you did: Boo! and Catch. Where can we see them? Boo you can see on YouTube. It was an experimental short to inspire people to get out there and shoot content. We shot it in one night and popped it online fast. Catch you can see on iTunes and the website. This was the first thing I did that had a crew and professional set. It’s an inspiring father/son tale that I feel every family should watch.
Tell me about your role in Little Boy and why people should go see it when it comes out April 24.
It’s a period piece that deals with timeless problems. A family gets ripped apart due to war, and the story focuses on a little boy who misses his father very much who is off fighting. It’s inspiring and uplifting, and many tears will be shed. You’ll leave the theater ready to change the world hahaha!
I read your piece on TheWrap and I really enjoyed you talking about what you’re so committed to making pieces about a father’s love. Tell me where that love and passion for those kinds of projects comes from.
It’s such a fundamental human relationship that makes such an impact on people for the rest of their lives for better or worse. So it’s important to tell stories about fathers/sons and daughters because if we can help bring a family together and get fathers more involved in their kids lives we literally can save lives and make a difference.
What would you say are the top five or top ten father/son relationships on television? (And would you include Ted Mosby and your character in that?)
I honestly can’t answer that cuz there are so many shows out there it’s hard to keep up with all of them. I spend a lot of my time working and it’s hard to find time to even watch much TV.
Where else can we see you in 2015?
Two films in April hitting theaters: Little Boy and Mall Cops 2! Please check them both out!
Archer Season 6, Episode 12 – “Drastic Voyage: Part 1” Air Date – March 26, 2015 Grade: C+
Six seasons in, Archer has settled pretty comfortably into a formula. The premises of most episodes are plucked straight from classic spy, action, and science fiction genres and filtered through the show’s insane characters and sharp writing. It’s a consistent and reliable formula, but it can be challenging for any particular episode to stand out based on its premise alone. “Drastic Voyage: Part 1” takes the plot from the 1966 film Fantastic Voyage, but even the entire cast being miniaturized and injected into a comatose scientist’s body is only slightly stranger than usual (after all, this season also contained aliens). As the first half of a two part finale, “Drastic Voyage: Part 1” necessarily contains a lot of set up and doesn’t offer too much on its own, but the tried and true formula of cramming everyone into close quarters on a mission should still hold up pretty well for next week’s season ender.
Special Agent Hawley (Gary Cole) returns with a special assignment for Malory’s office: Dr. Zoltan Kovacs has been developing a process for molecular miniaturization (“Aren’t they already pretty small?”), but he’s left in a coma after an attempted kidnapping, and now it’s up to Archer and the others to enter the doctor’s brain using his own technology and destroy the blood clot before it kills him. Joining them on their fantastic voyage is Dr. Sklodowska (Carrie Brownstein), Dr. Kovacs’ assistant and lover. The entire cast is involved in the mission in one way or another: Krieger doesn’t get miniaturized but is instead supporting the surgical team, while Ray and Cyril pilot the vehicle, and Pam and Cheryl are also aboard because they “always stow away somehow”. Malory isn’t on the mission unfortunately, but at least she’s with mission control and somewhat closer to the action this time.
The stakes are a bit higher, as well–along with the inherent dangers of the mission, failure will result in everyone getting blacklisted from espionage work. Hawley correctly points out that they’ve ruined nearly every mission the CIA has assigned them, and it’s good to finally see some real consequences in a season that seemed particularly dismissive of them, even if everything will almost certainly turn out fine. Along similar lines, Lana finds herself much more nervous about the mission now that she has AJ in her life, while Archer remains as cavalier as ever. Though it should go without saying at this point, Lana asks Archer whether he’s even capable of grasping the concept of his own mortality, to which he simply replies: “Lana, nobody can.”
The humor is more scattered and inconsistent than usual; Archer continually antagonizing everyone around him (particularly Slater) is great as always, but other jokes fell a little flat. Ray’s new hand is black and there are plenty of jokes at his expense, but overall his newfound indignation doesn’t quite reach the levels of comic absurdity that Robert Downey Jr’s character in Tropic Thunder does. Pam and Cheryl’s moments feel more superfluous than usual since they’re explicitly included but aren’t given anything to do, which defuses much of their usual mischief (though I’m sure they’ll get into plenty of trouble in part two). Finally, a brief and unexpected cameo by TV’s Michael Gray in a Slim Goodbody-esque body suit likely won’t have much of an impact unless you grew up during the seventies.
Successfully miniaturized, the team only has sixty minutes to find the blood clot in his brain, destroy it, and escape before the process is reversed. Unfortunately, Krieger chooses an inopportune time to stand up for himself, and his disruption causes the ship to be injected into Dr. Kovacs’ leg instead of his brain. It’s Fantastic Voyage through and through, which begs the question: is there a saboteur in their midst? “Drastic Voyage: Part 1” unfortunately doesn’t stand very well on its own, but all the pieces are in place for a fun and exciting season finale.
“Lana, he’s the one ashamed of his hand’s heritage, not me!”
“I decided to let Ray drive… with his racist robot monster hand!”
“Well?! You won’t bleed him, you won’t cup him, you won’t divine his humors; for all you charlatans know, this poor man is both phlegmatic and bilious!”
“Oh, and by the way, if I was a clone of Adolf goddamn Hitler, wouldn’t I look like Adolf goddamn Hitler?”
It seems like it’s been forever since Bones has been part of our Thursday nights. They took an extended break over the holidays and then some, but tonight the whole crew–plus a couple of special (cheesy) appearances–returned to our homes.
Bones is in its 10th season and has already been renewed for an 11th, so chances are that if you (like me) are still watching it’s because you’re a fan. A LOYAL fan, because whoo-boy were there some horrible whole seasons in the middle of this run. Lucky for us, they’ve come out the other side.
That said, even though I’ve been enjoying Season 10 very much, this return episode came off a little maudlin, the emotions cheap and phoned in, gathered based on our love of a departed character and not because of any inspired writing or performances.
At first, I thought the fact that the episode began in the lab instead of focused on some poor civilian about to stumble upon the ickiest thing they can imagine meant that we were going to be spared the weekly gross-out but that, of course, was wishful thinking. A man found a woman’s body inside a tree he was cutting down–a woman they soon identify as a psychic.
Not a real one, like Avalon (who yes, makes an appearance in the episode) but a charlatan. Her career choice has driven a wedge between her and her religious father, she had not one, but at least two lesbian relationships and the charlatan psychic who taught her how to swindle people was pissed when she struck out on her own with some of his clients.
The girl had enemies, suffice to say. and I guess if any of us got bumped off unexpectedly we’d all have people come out of the woodwork with alibis to spare.
While Booth, Bones, and the other Squinterns track down the killer, Avalon (Cyndi Lauper) shows up to offer her services. At first, she thinks she’s there to help with the case about the psychic but she soon realizes that the person trying to connect from the other side is Sweets (John Francis Daley).
It’s Sweets’s birthday, you see, and Booth (David Boreanaz) realized it that morning because he was supposed to bring some special kind of donut. That made Brennan sad so she brought it up at work and so then Hodgins (TJ Thyne) and Angela were sad too.
Everyone was very, very sad. When Avalon brought up Sweets, Hodgins–who definitely thinks psychics are full of baloney–told her not to talk about his friend!
Does it sound to anyone else as though I’m describing the plot of a children’s book, here? Because that’s kind of how I felt watching it.
At any rate, our guys solve the case and Avalon finally figures out what Sweets wanted. He had a thumb drive in the car that Daisy is getting ready to sell. It turns out to be a book (a romance novel) that he wrote based on his research and sessions with Booth and Brennan over the years–discovered just moments after Christine randomly asks her parents to tell her a love story.
There was a small storyline with relatively new Squintern Rodolfo Fuentes (Ignacio Serricchio) in which he’s caught with medicines he intends to smuggle out of the US and back to Cuba, where they’re needed. Cam (Tamara Taylor) is all set to fire him before Brennan (Emily Deschanel) steps in. She informs them all that she had one of Booth’s friends at the CIA take the medicine and get it to Cuba, and if Cam fires Rodolfo then she’ll have to fire Bones, too. That’s pretty much the end of that conversation, and I loved how Brennan stepped up and did what needed to be done, since Cam’s character remains incapable of bending even the slightest rule.
The episode wasn’t terrible, by any means, but despite the inclusion of Sweets’s memory there wasn’t anything special about it, either. Like I said, the emotion seems dependent on our feelings for Sweets as opposed to being earned by a great script, and that’s the slightest bit disappointing since we waited so long for this episode. Even the moment between Angela and Hodgins (in which Michaela Conlin was REALLY trying), where she uses science and research to force him to admit that he can’t definitively say there’s no such thing as spirits and mediums, fell more than a little flat, for me.
Hopefully they’ll be back on their game next week! Regardless of one lackluster episode, I couldn’t be happier that the team at the Jeffersonian is back for the duration.
Bones (Season 10, Episode 11) “The Psychic in the Soup” aired Thursday, March 26th at 8/7c.
History Channel is moving ahead with the renewal of Vikings for its fourth season, the network announced on Thursday.
“VIKINGS has raided the hearts of both audiences and critics, establishing itself as one of the most compelling, visually stunning dramas on television,” said Dirk Hoogstra, EVP and General Manager, History & H2. “We are so proud of our immensely talented cast and crew led by Michael Hirst, whose intriguing storylines and pivotal arcs have the perfect balance of scope, smarts and bloodshed to keep our loyal fans watching and wanting more.”
The Viking drama starring Travis Fimmel as Ragnar Lothbrok tells the tale of the lives and adventures of the Viking warriors and portrays life in the Dark Ages through the eyes of Viking society. The series also stars Clive Standen, Katheryn Winnick and Alexander Ludwig.
Five new episodes remain in the current season airing Thursdays at 10 p.m. with the season finale slated for Thursday, April 23 at 10 p.m.
Originally published in 1993, the post-Cold War book follows Jonathan Pine, a former British soldier turned hotel night manager. He becomes entangled with a mysterious French-Arab woman named Sophie who has ties to dangerous English black marketeer Richard Onslow Roper. Pine finds himself in perilous circumstances as he goes undercover deep into Roper’s organization.
Filming is currently underway on the adaptation of the espionage novel that co-stars Hugh Laurie. AMC will air the series in the United States with an expected 2016 broadcast. The series also features Olivia Colman, Tom Hollander and Elizabeth Debicki.