The acclaimed Babylon 5 science fiction writer J. Michael Straczynski revealed his dramatic return to Marvel comics. After working with Marvel editor Wil Moss on an epic Thor anniversary issue, and having subsequent follow-ups with fellow...
Few of our iconic heroes have been around as long as Captain America. Now, Marvel is putting that legacy to good use and laying the groundwork for a new era of Captain America in issue #750.
Last year, Steve and Sam became separate Captain Americas leading to two branching storylines in Marvel comics with Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty and...
Avengers Assemble...again! Marvel Comics is dropping a new action-packed and adventurous title that will pit our heroes in brand new adventures with an original...
Welcome to a more traditional “Odd Couple” setup.
The pilot for Marvel’s latest mini-series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, begins with a mission involving a kidnapped...
Marvel’s Avengers is an Unfinished Masterpiece that’s Just Getting Started
At NYCC 2019, Crystal Dynamics debuted a demo of Marvel’s Avengers in its pre-alpha version....
Greetings and salutations!
With the release of "Avengers: Endgame", we're going to take a look at everything within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (henceforth known as...
The gloves have come off in the newest trailer for Captain America: Civil War.
Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed...