Thom Yorke, the acclaimed Radiohead lead singer, starred in this beautiful short film shot by academy nominated director Paul Thomas Anderson. Which coincided with...
As a special treat for a ‘Stranger Things’ themed July, I’ve been writing extensive recaps for Stranger Things Season Three, covering every moment you...
This is a review of Netflix’s new original series ‘Bonding’, an open-minded show that takes a surprisingly light-hearted approach towards BDSM sex work. Featuring...
I’ve talked about mumblecore on here in the past. It’s a very particular style of filmmaking, heavily reliant on improvisation and low budget techniques...
Last Friday, Netflix released a new Carmen Sandiego animated series based on the hit videogame and children’s animated series of the ’90s. It stars Jane...
‘Sex Education’ takes on a modern approach to intimacy: emphasizing the importance of self-care, trust, and communication. The show is not just about sex....