In the season 2 premiere of Freeform’s Shadowhunters, a new enigmatic character is introduced as the freshly appointed head of the New York Institute, Clave represenative Victor Aldertree. Played by Nick Sagar, he was sent to...
This week’s episode of Shadowhunters introduces us to a new character on the show, the intimidating Inquisitor. We first meet her during her sudden arrival at the New York Institute with guards and a Silent Brother in...
When we are first introduced to Lydia Branwell in episode 8 of Shadowhunters, Isabelle Lightwood pointedly asks the Clave's representative whether Clary is her...
Joining the cast of ABC Family's Shadowhunters in guest starring roles are Stephanie Bennett, Paulino Nunes and Jack Fulton.
Bennett will be playing Lydia Branwell,...