THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! Thank you so much for participating!!!
To celebrate the return of Shadowhunters season 3 on March 20, The Workprint is giving away some fun goodies to two lucky readers who love the show and the books as much as we do!
- Shadowhunters season 2 tote bag
- Lady Midnight postcard set from BookCon 2017
- Lord of Shadows BookCon 2017 poster
- Shadowhunters New York Comic Con 2017 poster
- One rune pin
- Lady Midnight postcard set from BookCon 2017
- Two prints from The Mortal Instruments Coloring Book from New York Comic Con 2016
- One rune pin
- One “I Love NY” Shadowhunters pin from New York Comic Con 2016
For a chance to win one of the two prizes here’s what you need to do:
- Comment on this article below and tell us what you are looking forward to the most in season 3 of Shadowhunters (make sure you put your email address so we can reach you!)
- Share this article on Twitter and Facecbook and tag @TheWorkprint
- Follow @TheWorkprint on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
- Subscribe to The Workprint’s YouTube channel
The giveaway will be active until March 20 after which we will pick two winners in random. The two winners will be contacted by email for your addresses.
This is open to only U.S. and Canada residents.
Good luck!!!
Honestly im looking forward to more Lightwood Sibling moments!! I love sibling relationshpis in shows and i LOVE when theyre done well!
(i followed you on twitter/insta under baekhanded and fb under my actual name name!)
I’m looking forward to Sizzy and Clace moments this season!
Alec is my favorite character so I have so much to look forward to this season. In particular, Malec, any interaction between the Lightwood Siblings and hopefully lots of Parabatai bonding.
Really looking forward to Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane growing and developing their relationship with each other. They’ve come so far and there’s so many places I’d like to see them go this season! Really super excited for it!!!
Hi, I am so looking forward to see #Malec aka Magnus and Alec back on screen, deepening their relationship while working together against the politics of the Shadow world to make it work. Alec as the leader of the Institute despite the Clave bigotry and Magnus on his way to get back his title.
I also can’t wait to meet Lilith and Lorenzo Rey both fierce opponent to Magnus and the shadowhunters squad.
Finally I need more and more of Izzy and Alec siblings feels but also a comeback of Izzy and Magnus friendship. They make a great team together.
So excited for so many other things too but that’s what is at the top for me.
Magnus and Alec are my favorite characters, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of their moments together and how their relationship grows.
What I am really looking forward in season 3 of Shadowhunters is seeing malec, sizzy and clace develop their relationships, also seeing the full picture of Lilith.
( P.s I have followed The workprint on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, subscribed to the YouTube channel and fave tweeted on twitter and posted on Facebook about the giveaway. )
I’m really looking forward to Malec and seeing Sizzy develop in season 3
I also can’t wait to see everyone’s journeys and how the plot will go
I am really looking forward to more Parabatai goodness. And finding out more about Jace’s parents. Also Alec’s storyline this year looks like its gonna be super meaty and I am so excited to see it.
I am looking forward to seeing more of Malec in season 3 of Shadowhunters the most!