This week’s episode showcases the infamous, bitter divorce battle between Betty and Dan. See how this all goes down for Betty in the fight for her livelihood.
The last time we looked at this crazy drama, we saw Betty Broderick being gaslighted and master manipulated. As she goes off into to jail, her ex-husband Dan Broderick reaps the benefits of being a skilled lawyer.
But this episode sees Betty take a new angle with the press, and with this finally: her ability to tell her side of the story.
Thus far, Dan Broderick held secrecy sacred with both his practice and his personal life. Dan’s someone, who never showcases vulnerability. Who never lets people know what he’s up to, thus always seeming impervious to harm in court. This is where Betty has the advantage: she has nothing to hide and nothing to lose so doesn’t mind being an open book, thus beginning a dialogue to a reporter for the San Diego Montgomery.
Yet, all is not well with this new ploy, as the more time that passes, the harder it is for Betty to have a role with her children’s lives. In her daughter’s graduation, she’s reminded of this harsh reality: of being replaced by Linda — whom she reviles — who’s very much there for events in her stead. Betty even goes so far as to take pictures of Linda at the event. Mostly, out of crazy stalker jealousy, yet again, can we blame her?
Because of the incessant gaslighting, cease of communications, and destructive court fees, Betty’s life is a never-ending struggle that was setup by Daniel Broderick.

To relax and maybe feel appreciated or understood, Betty starts attending HALT, an organization like AA for people who are oppressed. It’s there she meets new friends and finally: a support system. The kinds of allies Betty’s been short of since the horrendous court battles began.
Yet, even these small victories become despoiled by the mastermind that is Dan Broderick, as he elects to have a private court hearing that’s away from friends, press, and allies Betty has gathered. Betty, who’s chosen to forgo a lawyer (they’ve never been much help anyway), is now completely alone in his battleground: the courtroom.
What happens is a kangaroo court where we see Dan dismantle everything Betty’s tried to build up as a defense this time around. Yet, we see her assemble a surprisingly good case on her own. Without a lawyer, Betty is able to hit Dan where it counts: his money, by rightfully calling out some shady dealings of closing out his accounts prior to their divorce (thus, valuating his law firm at a higher value than was initially presented).
And, though things don’t go according to plan, Betty proves to be pretty good at the law, and with the help of the judge, is able to poke holes to Dan’s side of the story. Showcasing that though this isn’t about fault over the divorce (as that court battle is already over), Dan’s not innocent either and definitely manipulated things to his favor. Yet, pride is a bitch, especially for a woman scorned: as Betty’s demands remain increasingly high.
Worse is that, as rumors come to light, even harsher gossip comes around: people thought Betty was a child molester, thanks to Dan’s ability to spin the truth.
After all this fighting, a small settlement is made. Unfortunately, despite Betty’s valiant efforts and ability to poke holes at Dan’s story, the court still grants him to keep custody, though, at least guarantees, he pays spousal support.
For all the right ways of going about it on her own, Betty still loses. The system fails. And Linda, unsurprisingly to the fans, proves to be a huge bitch. A ‘Karen’ as the kids call it these days.
So, what does Betty do?
She buys a gun.
Tune into what happens next week on the USA Network.