I’ll be the first to admit that Jeremy Jordan’s character on Supergirl, Winn, isn’t exactly the best. Sure, he’s kind of whiny and cliche but he–okay, he’s the least developed of the bunch and you could see that lovesick best friend plot line coming from a mile away. However, the actor behind Winn’s puppy dog-eyed character is quite the charmer. In fact, maybe he could woo Kara Danvers if he used those pipes on the show.
Some people know Jordan from his time on the heartbreak that was Smash, or maybe even from the movie of the musical The Last Five Years, but those who don’t obsess over Broadway and musicals like I do may see him as a nobody and that’s a real shame because he is fabulous.
Just listen to some of his (many) songs on YouTube.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like romantically pairing Kara and Winn on Supergirl, but I’ll cheer for his character just for the sake of the actor. Besides, we know Melissa Benoist can sing from her time on Glee, so the two could have a duet on the show and HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE?
Now go get lost in a Jeremy Jordan YouTube cycle.
Supergirl airs Mondays on CBS at 8PM EST.
Dammit Jen, you know where to hit every straight man, an undeniable love of musical theater.
Or this one that I shot https://youtu.be/W65uL3j813c