I hope you have insurance on what you love because many, many things are about to get broken.
In conjunction with the news about HBO Now, HBO also released the first full-length trailer for the Game of Thrones’ fifth season and ho boy, buckle in boys and girls because play time is over. Khaleesi looks like she is finally ready to make good on her “I’ll take what’s mine with fire and blood” promise and darn it if I don’t love every single one of her inspiring speeches. At the very least she’ll be making some drastic changes in Meereen. Winter is (still) on its way in the North, but Stannis’ arrival looks to make things rather interesting. (About time he got more of a plot.) We have a few more glimpses of the new characters in Dorne and politics doesn’t seem to be the only thing going on in King’s Landing these days. (And I’m not just talking about Margaery lip-locking with a minor.)
Is it just me or do these sets look larger than anything we’ve seen before? Either way, April cannot get here fast enough.
Game of Thrones returns with its fifth season on April 12, 2015.