Last weekend, one of the most anticipated movies of the summer that doesn’t stem from some sort of comic book and/or superhero franchise hit theaters. I’m talking about the sequel to Pitch Perfect, a lightning-strike of a cute, girl comedy about a college a cappella group and their struggles to find a place for both themselves and their group.
Elizabeth Banks is a veritable genius and the cast of largely unknowns took all of us by surprise, making us fall in love as we laughed our butts off and, in the end, giving us a movie that’s as endlessly quotable as it is rewatchable.
I’m sorry to say that the sequel, Pitch Perfect 2, did not deliver on the promise and magic of the first one. Take a look as my good friend Leigh Ann Kopans and I (we’re both authors of young adult fiction, so stories like this are near and dear to our hearts) talk about why the film ultimately didn’t work for us – or, she talks sense and I mostly try to derail the conversation in between sips of wine.
This is pretty great. Little known fact, every piece of video content I make for the site is accompanied by wine… every… single… one!